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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

When you go to college, there are so many opportunities to grow and become a new person — whether it be intellectually, physically or socially. I believe that one of the most important ways you can grow is through your beliefs. College gave me the opportunity to look at everything and decide if they really were my truths. I was able to look at my beliefs and decide whether I actually believed in them, or if they were just what I had been told to think for 18 years. A year and a half later, I feel like I’ve grown so much as a person and have finally figured out my true opinions and passions. I’ve learned to love more and judge less. So how did I get here?


Research Everything

In terms of developing political views, the most important thing to do is research. If you aren’t sure where you stand on an issue, the easiest thing you can do is research the topic. Read all types of articles that cover various views and provide factual information (pro tip: make sure you are looking at reliable sources).

Have Tough Conversations

Ask your friends, classmates and teachers what they believe, and truly listen to what they have to say. You may be surprised to learn that other people’s experiences can affect your mindset. The experiences that shaped your friend’s lives might shape your heart and mind as well. 

Try New Things 

It’s so important to try new things in college, whether that be a new church, faith, hobby, club or food. Trying new things truly changes who you are and gives you so many opportunities for growth. You never know — you might find your new passion. 

Growth is constant and takes work so that you don’t get stuck in a standstill. I’m so proud of the person I am today and how I’ve gotten here. I’ve grown into a girl who isn’t confined by one category but rather holds beliefs from both her past and present. I’ll continue to listen, learn, ask questions, and grow so that I’m always changing and developing.

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4

Hi there, my name is Alee Judge and I am a writer for HerCampus UCF! I am currently a junior at the University of Central Florida majoring in health sciences. While my heart is in the healthcare industry I still have a passion for writing and I love writing for HCUCF. Some of my interests include traveling, reading, shopping, and finding new restaurants/things to do in Orlando!
UCF Contributor