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Finals Week: How to Stay Sane

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

The time has come for the most dreaded week in all of history- finals week. (Queue tears)

Finals week is one of the most mentally and physically draining times of the school year. You basically live in the library, coffee is your crack, and somehow stress levels become more prominent (how is that even possible)? Cracking under the pressure of what is finals week will only further your chances of throwing a B.F. In order to stay sane, or at least try to, here are some tips on what to do when the wrath of finals weeks gets to be a tad too much to handle:

o   Meditate

o   Drink tea or coffee

o   Take a study break

o   Get fresh air

o   Play with puppies

o   Look up funny YouTube videos

o   Have a dance party to your favorite song

o   Eat a snack that gives you energy

o   Take a nap

o   Paint your nails

o   Chew gum

o   Use online shopping as motivation

o   Try out a new Pinterest recipe

o   Make DIY crafts for your room

o   Take a bubble bath

o   Start a new show on Netflix (just kidding, don’t do that)

o   Call your mom

o   Stay positive

o   Remember that finals will be over sooner than you know!

*Disclaimer: None of these methods are proven to help you in the passing of your final exams*

Shannon is a Junior at UCF studying Communications and Magazine Journalism. She enjoys laughing, traveling, taking photos, and being a foodie. In her spare time you can find Shannon watching Friends re-runs or blogging. She loves bagels, fashion, listening to throwbacks, and channeling her inner Blake Lively! Follow her on Twitter & Instagram
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