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Entering 20: Holding On to Experiences and Lessons

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

In less than two weeks, I’ll be turning 20. As much as I’m looking forward to this turning of age, this past year served as a challenge like no other. A year I never could have predicted yet profoundly shapes who I now am. Recently, I’ve started to think of where I want this next year to take me and feel hesitant to accept what may come my way.

As I sit here reflecting on 19, I think of the experiences and lessons that defined this year and I’ll carry with me into 20.


My journey won’t look like anyone else’s — and neither will yours. It’s okay to take it one step at a time or even one day at a time. It’ll all amount to what you create. Doubting your capabilities and feeling overwhelmed by all those that appear steps ahead is easy. Instead, remember that this journey will lead to every vital moment you’re meant to have. You just have to seize your opportunities and appreciate the journey.

Prioritized my Hobbies

I have become aware of how easy it is to lose yourself in the hustle and bustle of academics, extracurriculars or simply scrolling away on Instagram, Pinterest or TikTok. It’s easy to lose sight of everything else around and forget the small things that bring you joy. Dedicating my time to my other passions like painting, reading and even writing here contributed to me enjoying my days more. Bonus: tapping into my creativity away from screens is always a plus!

Some people don’t want to change

The quote “people never change, they just become more of who they really are” captures my perspective on people. I am ever-evolving and hoping to do so for the better, and that will reflect in the effort you put into yourself. That choice is always up to the individual, and you can’t dwell on the choices of others.


Allowing myself to reach a critical low in my mental health brought out some low points in my physical. However, the experience alone allowed me to recognize how our bodies can’t do all of the work on their own. I have to be willing to put in the work and am determined to intentionally develop better habits.


The people in your life will always fulfill some purpose, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be around forever. Some people are meant to be in your life, and you’ll evolve together. Some are simply temporary and a stepping stone on your path.


This could be an article entirely on its own, but the past few years remind me of how fragile human life can be. At the same time, it allowed me to experience firsthand that you truly can’t pour from an empty cup. My anticipatory grief left me in a state of unbalance, of wanting to do more yet having to realize that it was out of my control. 19 led to my first trial with loss and gradually picking myself up, knowing they’ll always be with me.


You’re not always going to be able to seek closure, whether from someone or a situation that hurt you. Sometimes you need to pick yourself back up and move on. Recognizing the pain of holding on is not worth your energy will be the hardest part.


Despite constantly expressing how your mental health is just as critical as your physical, I struggled to prioritize my own. After several challenging experiences this past year, I wrapped up the courage to make my way back to therapy. Although that step was difficult, I am so grateful for the self-awareness it has allowed me to have.


No one’s human experience is the same. Your experiences and mindset are the foundation of what molds you into who you are. Regardless of what leads you to grow up fast, look at it from the perspective that you’re better prepared to get you where you’re meant to go.


I think back to my time reading Her Campus articles throughout high school any time I could, both supporting the friendships I had that created content and genuinely enjoying the writing on the platform. I didn’t hesitate to apply to Her Campus at UCF, and I’m so appreciative of this organization. From enabling me to share and expand my writing and helping me grow professionally — all alongside an incredible group of successful individuals.

Brianna is the Editor in Chief and Campus Correspondent for Her Campus UCF! She is studying English Literature and Political Science at the University of Central Florida. Brianna is a writer and creative focused on creating content and publications that promote empowerment among college individuals. She's a lover of Disney, reading a somewhat excessive number of books a year, any form of art expression, & the oxford comma.