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The Direct Correlation Between Mental Stability and Puppy Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Have you ever noticed that people with a dog in college seem to be a little more mentally stabile? There’s a reason. Dogs are pretty much the cure to every negative emotion you can imagine. If you think about the main stressors for young adults, things like time management, independence, and self doubt probably come to mind. Having a dog can greatly improve, if not fix, all of those things.

Dogs are very scheduled and need to go out around the same time every day. Usually the first of their walks needs to be fairly early in the morning. That means having a dog is like having an alarm clock that comes with free kisses. I know would much rather wake up to my dog sniffing my face than a loud beeping alarm. Not only do doggies provide a better start to the day, they also make you start your day in a productive way. Dogs make you get out of bed and take care of them right away, which is great motivation to get moving in the morning, rather than go back to sleep.

Speaking of taking care of dogs, they certainly teach a whole lot of responsibility. You have to maintain a regular schedule and remember they are relying on you to meet their most basic needs. Along with food, water, and walks, another one of those basic needs is love. Giving love to an appreciative dog that gives it right back is a great way to boost your mood.

The best thing about dogs is the unconditional love they always give. Even after you fail an exam or bomb an interview, your dog will still be happy to see you when you get home. No matter what kind of day you’re having, hearing four little paws come trotting towards you when you open the door will always make you smile. Dogs stay by your side through all your daily battles. They provide just the right amount of fluff when you need a study break or a shoulder to cry on. They listen and follow you around, and make you feel like you are never alone. They also love you in the moments when it feels like other humans might not.

Even if you can’t live with a dog, going to see someone else’s dog can be extremely beneficial. You can find a friend with a dog, go to a pet store, or even ask your parents if your dog can take a vacation at your apartment for a week or two. Regardless of how you get puppy cuddles, they are sure to help calm you down from the stresses of college. Something about those friendly kisses provides a kind of relief that nothing else can match. A little fluff in your life is always a good thing. 


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UCF Contributor