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Coffee vs. Tea: Which One Is Healthier?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Caffeine: a much needed energy booster for any college student on the go. The two leading providers of this stimulant are well known to any college caffeine lover: dark, rich, and fast acting coffee or subtle tasting, soothing tea. There have been many studies on the effects of coffee and tea on our body, yet it still seems as though the competition between which one is more beneficial than the other is unclear. Here at Her Campus at UCF, we’ll provide you with the latest news on the pros and cons of both coffee and tea so all you caffeine lovers can decide for yourself what’s the right fit for you!


Coffee Pros

The famous cup of joe has many health benefits not known by its consumers. It has been investigated that moderate coffee drinkers reduced their risk of heart disease by 20 percent! Drinking coffee may also substantially reduce women’s levels of depression by 15 to 20 percent. According to one study, this caffeine-filled beverage can protect against skin cancer through boosting cell repair. Have a headache? Being the stimulant that it is, coffee can help increase pain killers’ usefulness.


Coffee Cons

The most apparent drawback of coffee is the discoloration it brings to your pearly whites, causing teeth to turn yellow and can also cause brittleness. Drinking too much coffee may give you the jitters, as well as cause discomfort in your stomach and digestive system.



Tea Pros

Looking for weight loss? Green tea has been known to help lower body fat, as well as increase metabolism! What could be better than drinking delicious tea and losing weight at the same time? Unlike coffee, tea can benefit your teeth. Drinking more than one cup of tea a day can prevent gingivitis as well as hinder tooth loss. Tea has been linked to prevention of cancer and heart disease from the ingredients Tannin and Catechin. Tea can also reduce stress levels, so sip on some of these herbs for a stress-free day!


Tea Cons
The highest content of caffeine that tea can possess is about 55 milligrams of caffeine per cup (from black tea), while coffee can exceed up to 150 milligrams in a brewed cup; therefore, coffee definitely beats tea in caffeine consumption. Even when labeled organic, tea can be filled with pesticides, which are harmful to one’s health.


All in all, both coffee and tea contain health benefits as well as ingredients which are hazardous to your well-being; whichever hot, caffeine-filled beverage you prefer to drink, rememeber that anything in moderation is always the best policy!







Katie Kardok is a feature writer for the Her Campus Editorial team at the University of Central Florida. Katie is currently a junior majoring in Psychology. She enjoys pilates, photography, and watching football. Fun fact: She is left handed!
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