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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

It’s horrible to think that in today’s society of acceptance and liberalism, people are still bullying and judging one another. You would think that having an open mind and realizing that people’s differences make them unique and amazing is a concept that everyone should be able to grasp, but it’s just not that simple. There will always be those people who are mean-spirited and who take pleasure in pointing out the flaws of others, who want to post derogatory comments on social media and think it’s OK to talk behind people’s backs no matter what. 

I’m here to tell you that these people may seem intimidating and scary, and that they might be the bully that you’ve been too afraid to stand up to. You shouldn’t be afraid and you shouldn’t conceal how you feel for these people. You should be strong in your own self and character, and realize that these comments and what these people have to say is all irrelevant. The only reason that some bullies talk bad about people and/or post negative and mean rhetoric online is because they, themselves are insecure.

The only plausible explanation to describe a bully is that they are not confident enough in themselves to realize that they should be focusing on their own demons and flaws and perfecting them instead of picking out others’ “issues.”  A bully has to be so insecure that they don’t want to even focus on themself and instead, resort to picking on other people. If you have enough time to sit there and wonder what is wrong with others, what they could be doing differently, why they are the way they are, and why their outfit isn’t matching, then there is obviously something wrong there. 

Bullies are people who take pride in hurting others and think that it is “cool.” Well, newsflash, nothing is really “cool” anymore and being rude to others has never been cool and it never will be. If anything is considered “cool” it would be uplifting people and throwing out compliments left and right. Having an appearance on social media or in person is really not a relevant enough reason to call people out or just be plain rude. And if having an appearance as someone who is rude to others is something you are aiming for, then you need to set your priorities straight. 

Just remember that if you are being bullied or if someone is trying your existence, deep down this person is simply insecure and that is why they have to point out your insecurities. As long as you are confident in yourself and don’t take what they are saying to heart, you will win the battle against this “bully” every time. Also, remember that you have already won because you are confident in yourself and your confidence will shine through your bully’s insecure, inferior existence. 


Photo credit: 1, 2, 3, 4

I am a writing and rhetoric major at the University of Central Florida and I really love tacos and pugs (the dog breed). I am a writer for Her Campus UCF and have been writing since I was eight years old :). My great grandfather won the Pulitzer Prize so I have some big shoes to fill.
UCF Contributor