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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.


How do you know when you’re no longer the rebound? Or if your always going to be his rebound? The line between a relationship and a game is so blurred these days that figuring out which label you can fall under is almost impossible. For example, what if you meet one of the most physically attractive males and he takes you out on dates and you love it, but he also just got out of a three-year relationship. Are you clearly setting yourself up for failure or what? I mean for the most part you think he seems to be pretty composed about his heartbreak. Other times though, he gets very sensitive over the entire situation. What if she broke his heart? What if she dumped him while he was away at college? He was the victim while she was strong enough to be ok without him. Now picture the man of your dreams, whether he has blue eyes or brown staring at you.  Would you not want him despite the circumstances?

Even if you knew he was still secretly in love with his ex girlfriend, you would probably try to be the girl who “changed him”. You’d continue to dig yourself into a deeper hole. The real question now is “what to do?” Do you just stop hanging out with him because of the imminent failure you know it will bring about in the future? Being in college, you know better. You have come to see that relationships that you thought had a future would in fact have an expiration date. If you were basing your feelings off his looks alone you’re most likely already past the crush phase and onto the head over heels stage. Each and every time he mentions his ex girlfriend’s name though you take a few small steps back into the “You Just Met Him” Phase. The thing is it is just a college fling, especially in today’s society. So shouldn’t you be doing everything you can to assure yourself the utmost memorable college experience? Know better before you get in to deep. There is never going to be a happy ending for the rebound so girls make sure you know the difference between the guy who wants you now and the one who wants you later too. 

UCF Contributor