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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Negative attitudes and feelings can lead to our bodies feeling hopeless and helpless. It takes away from the happiness we have and leaves us feeling empty and alone. It can cause illnesses and chronic stress which takes a lot from the body. In order to choose happiness in life, it’s important that we do what we can to kill off the negativity. Here are six types of negativity to be wary of:


Wanting to perform well and achieve your goals is realistic, but trying to be perfect all the time is extremely difficult. Trying to achieve something that’s literally impossible will only result in you feeling inadequate, which leads to anxiety and depression.


Comparing yourself to others — or judging others — only leaves room for all your negative qualities to come flying out. Be your own cheerleader and cheer yourself on.

Self Doubt

Self-doubt can spiral into depression if you don’t clip it at its roots. Use your doubts as challenges to overcome, instead of obstacles you have to hurdle over. We all have a healthy dose of pessimism in us.

Assuming the Worst

If you’re always searching for things to be worse than they are, they always will be. Make sure to look for the possibility of things being great.


Worrying changes nothing, except your mental state and body. Try only dealing with the tangible problems at hand.


This world is too chaotic to ever gain total control over everything at all times. You can’t control everything, so when you fail, you’ll only blame yourself.

Battling negativity is a lifelong fight, which you’ll sometimes lose. Learning to accept negativity and doing your part in cutting it out can lead to a happier and healthier life.

Kaitlin is a sophmore at the University of Central Florida majoring in design. She's from Miami, Florida, and plans on graduating in 2024. She loves to read and make art. She's all about raising the vibes and creating positive outlooks on life.