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5 Ways to Kick-Start a Spring Internship NOW

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Don’t wait until mid-fall to look for a spring internship. Take the bull by the horns and start now. Doing early prep work can ensure a spectacular internship. What’s stopping you? Check out these quick tips on ways to kick-start a spring internship.

1. The Sooner, the More Noticed

With 60,000+ students at UCF, there is bound to be competition for an internship. No matter what type of internship you are going for, there will always be others trying to take it from you. Do not let this freak you out. Use it as motivation to beat the crowd. It is exactly like applying for college. We were told to apply early so we could be noticed by the university before the mass flow of applications were sent in. Same thing applies here. Be smart and get on a company’s radar early!

2. Create Your Own Kick-Butt Resume
If you don’t have a resume, it is time to make one. If you do have one, let’s make it even better! A lot of people have told me to keep my resume simple, black and white, aka boring. Your resume should reflect your personality. Add some individualism to it. I am not saying to go crazy by making it hot pink and scented like Elle Woods in Legally Blonde. But she does have a good point – “It gives it a little something extra, don’t ya think?” Here is a link to some kick-butt resumes to give yours a “little something extra.”
Kick-Butt Resume Ideas

3. Research, Research, Research
After your resume sticks out from the bunch, it is time to research the companies in your area. Orlando is huge! There are so many opportunities at your fingertips that you may not even be aware of. Go on Google and search your heart away; you never know what you will find. I did my research and got an internship with NBC Sports Group this past summer all on my own. If you do want some help, there are sites like Intern Sushi that can help you on your way. Use those sites to your advantage.

4. Be Personable!

Since your resume is going to be personalized, your emails should be too. And now that you have researched the company, you should have knowledge about it that other applicants may not. Do not send a standard email. Companies see them all the time. Make yours stands out by showing that you are truly interested in interning there. Some ideas to write about are: what you find interesting about the company, current events going on within the company, why you want to intern there over other places, etc. The topics are endless!

5. Go For It!
Yes, I am talking to you. Be confident! You have already covered being bold from the above steps. The next step is to become even more bold and daring. Apply to an internship that you never imagined in your wildest dreams you would get. Who cares if you have no experience? You never know until you try. The worst they can tell you is no. If you are feeling extra daring, another way to show confidence is going to the company itself. You can ask someone at a front desk about any internship opportunities, and they can direct you from there. In this technology age, we have lost face-to-face interaction and its effectiveness. If they meet you, they will love you! Let your confidence shine.

Nicholas Osler graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2014 with a degree in Interpersonal/Organizational Communication. Connect with him on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasosler