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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

I’m all about finding alternatives to medications that are harsh to the body.  Have you ever read the “Symptoms the may Arise” label on the back of medication?  No thanks.  When finding alternatives, I look to the most natural ways possible.  Here’s a little introduction to one of my very best friends: aromatherapy.  Aromatherapy enhances the psychological and physical well being through essential oils and other natural substances. Healing can be achieved through both scent and interaction with skin.  When scents are smelled, they trigger the Limbic System of the brain.  When stimulated, the brain releases endorphins and other “feel-good” chemicals.  Along with scents, there are benefits of aromatherapy with interaction with the skin.  It works through the absorption of essential oils by the skin and into the blood stream.  Here are 5 all-natural, all-good aromatherapy DIYs by the use of essential oils:


Peppermint contains a significant amount of menthol, which is known to help relax and ease tension headaches along with muscle pains. When a headache arises throw that Tylenol away. Just apply several drops of peppermint to the forehead, back of the neck as well as the temples and allow your headache to melt away.

Rosemary Oil

When it comes to cramming for a large exam, just say no to the Adderall.  Yes, I know all your secrets.  Many essential oils can help you prepare for the upcoming exam.  When is comes to that sleepiness that overcomes you while reading large amounts of material, the scent of citrus oil such as grapefruit can help energize the mind to study.  Memory Enhancement can be achieved through Rosemary oil, and for mental stamina opt for peppermint oil which can promote clarity.  Studies have shown when you take the exam with the scent of the same essential oil that is used when you studied; you’re prone to make fewer mistakes.  So bring a hanky or cotton ball with a few drops of oil to your exam.


Lavender is a natural alternative to a sleepy pill or Xanax.  Lavender aromatherapy is known to relive symptoms of anxiety and tension, as well as put you to sleep.  Just add several drops of lavender essential oils to a towel.  Toss the towel into the dryer during a cool down cycle and use the towel after a nighttime bubble bath; you’ll sleep like a baby.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can be used to not only promote hair growth, but also prevents split ends and adds luster and shine to any dull do.  All that’s needed is equal parts of Coconut Oil and Extra Virgin Olive oil.  Coat your locks in the concoction and leave in as long as possible.  Shampoo as normal.  Repeat a few times a week and watch your hair grow.

Nauseous?  Blend 10 drops of peppermint along with thirty drops of lavender.  Place in hands and inhale deeply.  Studies show symptoms of nausea will disappear.

And when all else fails: