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Your Dad Is Actually Your Secret Best Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

As the only daughter in my family, I idolize and share a very close relationship with my mother. My mom is simply one, if not the only, person I trust with my life, and she with me. Due to our genders, it was always easier to talk to her than my father. It’s also why we do more things together.

For a while, I wished that my father and I were a lot closer. It took some time for me to see that we were close, we just had different ways of showing it. Where my mother and I talked about problems that we faced, Dad and I simply did things separately. This realization hit me when I went back to college for my sophomore year. 

Image source: Negative Space

Though he knew that going back to Davis was a five-hour drive, Dad never complained. The only words that he had said to me when my parents left to go back home was: “Remember to eat good.” Even though it was not very expressive of his thoughts and feelings compared to my mother and our discussions, he meant for me to do and be well. 

I feel a level of closeness and love especially knowing that Dad gets more jobs during the summer just so he can help me, his daughter, financially so I won’t have to worry about paying rent for the school year. Knowing this, anyone can’t help but feel loved. 

Dads are sometimes not as expressive as moms but they always hope for the best for their children.

Image source: Josh Willink

I'm a second year student with a double major in English and International Relations at UCD. I love hot chocolate, the fall season, and is a little too obsessed with kpop. 
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