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Your 4-Step Checklist to Find the Perfect Club

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

It’s that time of year again: the beginning of a new quarter, and the start of checking off boxes on your “quarter goals” list. One of the most popular goals on college bucket lists is to join a new club. With hundreds of registered student organizations on campus, finding the perfect club for you can be overwhelming. From academic and professional fraternities, to more silly themed clubs such as the Harry Potter Alliance, UC Davis offers a wide variety of organizations to join. The start of a new quarter is the best time to attend informational meetings, sign up on email list-serves and participate in club fundraisers and activities. Here are four tips to help you choose the best club for you. 

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1.  Make sure you have a genuine interest.

It seems obvious enough, but many times a lack of genuine interest is the reason why clubs slowly decrease in attendance and participation. Decide whether you are seeking a club that will provide you with service opportunities, academic and career building potential, or with simply a place you can express a passion or fun interest. Categorizing clubs in terms of what you are hoping to get out of them will help you decide which ones to join. For example, if you are looking for a service club try joining The Lions Club or Key Club. If you are looking for something more geared towards a hobby or special interest, try experimenting with the Cooking Club or Hiking Club. 

2. Check for timing conflicts in your schedule.

Before committing to joining a club, make sure you have room to accommodate the club’s meetings into your class and work schedule. There’s nothing worse than joining a club and finding out that you can never attend a club meeting because you have discussion at the same time, so be sure to double check before mentally committing to a certain club.

3. Show up. 

In order to fully enjoy the experience of being in a club, go to weekly meetings, socialize with other members, and attend events. It’s easy to feel intimidated when joining something new, but continual commitment and active engagement will help you integrate into the club. 

4. Think about short term wants vs. long term goals.

Sometimes short term wants can turn into long term goals; for example, if you want to meet new people or step outside of your comfort zone, you could potentially meet one of your best friends or find your passion. One of the best things about the quarter system is that every quarter is a chance to refresh your agenda and start anew. If you try out a club this quarter and don’t feel like it was the right fit for you, there’s always the possibility of  experimenting with something different next quarter. To meet your long term goals, try to pick a club that will enhance the skills needed for your desired career path. Relevant club experience as an officer, president, or staff member may help you land your dream job or an internship. Aside from gaining experience in your desired field, clubs allow you to find your niche in our incredibly diverse, tight-knit community 

If you haven’t found your niche in the UCD community, and you love to write, you’re in luck! Her Campus at UC Davis is now accepting applications to be on staff. If you are interested in getting involved with Her Campus at UC Davis, send a writing sample and a resume to ucd@hercampus.com! We look forward to hearing from you. 

Maria is a fourth year at University of California, Davis where she is double majoring in Economics and Comparative Literature. When she's not studying for her classes or writing up an article, you can find her playing soccer with her friends, working with the UCD School of Education or chowing down on some delicious Thai food with her roommates.
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