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Why You Should Get Involved on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

As a freshman, you are constantly reminded about the opportunities on campus. Once you move out however, you may forget that our campus is full of groups, clubs, and organizations for every interest, pursuit, or belief. Getting involved is the best decision you can make, and here are a few reasons why:

1. You will meet new friends.

Joining groups will help you find people on campus who enjoy the same activities you do.

2. You will make connections.

One thing I’m learning that is becoming increasingly valuable as I near closer and closer to graduation (and the job hunt thereafter) is that connections can get your foot in the door and leave impressions on those you are trying to reach. Joining groups, big or small, can lead you to people who can help you get closer to your goals. 

3. You can learn leadership skills.

Whether you are a born leader or are looking to develop those skills, groups will almost always offer different roles and positions to help you find what it is you feel you’re good at. Knowing how to assert yourself and attain leadership roles will become invaluable once in the workplace. 

4. It will help you build your resume.

Employers today are looking for applicants who are actively involved, seek opportunities, and have a wide range of skills and interests. Joining groups on campus or seeking a working position during the year will demonstrate your potential. 

5. It will force you to get out of your comfort zone.

With over 700 groups and clubs on campus, you could try anything from a professional club to a Nerf Club (Yes, it exists. They meet in the Death Star). We are all so lucky to have such an exciting environment at our fingertips, so take advantage of it! 

6. But, you will also find a home away from home.

Going away to college is a daunting and stressful event in our lives. Having a group, a house, or an office where you feel in control and happy will help you enjoy your years here. 

Whether it’s a club, Greek life, an internship or job, a sport, or student government, getting involved yields so many opportunities. If you’re feeling like you’re missing something or just want to try something new, get involved with a group on campus! 

For more info, visit the UC Davis Clubs and Organizations site: https://www.ucdavis.edu/campus-life/clubs-organizations.

I am a 22 year old senior who enjoys watching Friends with a glass of wine. Currently in the process of figuring out Adulthood. 
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