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books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash

What Is Life at the End of Week 10?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

It’s the end of Week 10, and the pressure of wrapping up the quarter is definitely on. If you find yourself doing any one of these things, don’t be embarrassed. It happens to the best of us. Here are the 10 things you might experience as you finish this Fall Quarter:

1. Falling asleep on the bus on your way home because you’re just that exhausted.

2. Finally finishing those last papers and ridiculous Week 10 midterms (which should really be renamed “pre-final exams” because they’re days before your finals and weeks after the middle of the quarter).

3. You buy all of your food at the Coho, because who has time to make themselves a real meal at this point in the quarter?

4. You start stress snacking.

5. Even if you’re lucky and don’t have a lot of things to do this week, everyone else’s stress stresses you out.

6. Shields is becoming your second home.

7. You start chugging that coffee before giving yourself the chance to think about sleep.

8. Unless you’re outside, you’re in your pajamas all the time.

9. Your room is way messier than usual.

10. At the thought of finals, you tell yourself this.

But remember: Winter Break is only days away, and despite everything, you can definitely handle this!

Alida Araica attended UC Davis and graduated with a BA in English and minors in communication and technology management. Alida is passionate about 90's rom-coms, skin-care, iced coffee and running.
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