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Time to Prune Your Bushes: Naked Gardening Day Is Almost Here

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

May 7th of this year marks the 12th Annual World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD)! According to this website, WNGD has no tricks up its sleeve (probably because no one is wearing sleeves), and simply wants to encourage a day of bodily acceptance and oneness with nature. Don’t be discouraged by the cult-looking pictures or the poems with verses like:

“In Spring, when trees begin to dress,

We mortals then start wearing less”

Worried about the use of the word “mortals”? You probably should be, but cast those thoughts (and your clothes) away for the big day.


That all aside, World Naked Gardening Day seems to have good intentions. It encourages community, self-love, and taking care of Mother Earth. You just need to strip down, beautify some plants, and then tell someone about your experience. If you’ve been waiting for an excuse to get naked and party with some plants, now’s your chance. Turn botany into hot-any; lose your pants, water those plants.

Tan lines won’t be an issue May 7th, whether you’re watering your household succulents alone or flaunting it in your backyard with your buds, we all finally have an excuse to get naked and weird. So, grab your hoes and get gardening!


Ariel Robbins is a third-year Technocultural Studies major with a minor in Professional Writing at UC Davis. Her dreams consist of attending graduate school for screenwriting or visual journalism, and one day taking a picture with Steve Buscemi. If you see her, you can almost always assume she is wearing Marc New York Performance leggings from Costco and aggressively craving Limeade from Trader Joes. Contact her at ajrobbins@ucdavis.edu
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