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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of Kerr Hall, I had only one thing on my mind: vegan corn dog. It was the first day of the Whole Earth Festival, and before I could even think about checking out the many enticing crafts booths, I had to obtain the meal that I had been thinking incessantly about since the last time I attended WEF in 2019. After impatiently waiting in line, I finally got it: my beautiful, golden, thickly breaded, vegan corn dog. While I ate on the quad, I wondered, what is it about this dish that I like so much that I still remembered it three years after first having it? It tastes kind of like a real corn dog, but not exactly. So what makes it so good? I realize now, that the presence of this corn dog in my mind over the past few years may have more to do with its veganness and less to do with its corndogness. 

pizza grass laying down festival
Charlotte Reader / Her Campus

I’m not the only one who is a fan of the WEF vegan corn dog. I asked my Instagram followers what they thought of the dish, and I got responses such as “scrumptious I be eating that up”, and “inspired my new diet consisting exclusively of vegan corn dogs #corndogdayeveryday”, in addition to “yum yum in my tum tum tbh”. Clearly, the vegan corn dog is a crowd favorite among Whole Earth festivalgoers, including vegans and non-vegans alike. The vegan corn dog must be the gem of the whole festival. 

I am not vegan. But there is something about eating plant-based alternatives that is so entertaining to me. It’s like I get to play vegan simulator, even if just for one meal. It also reminds me that if I were to start being vegan, I would still be able to enjoy foods like corn dogs. Also, I love that those who are vegan have options like these. I can imagine that the decision to become vegan would definitely be made easier for a lot of people if they knew vegan corn dogs like this existed. I don’t really even understand what could be so hard about being vegan with amazing plant-based alternatives like this. 

davis cows
Nancy Aviña

Is the WEF vegan corn dog the best corn dog I’ve ever had? It is hard to say; the Trader Joe’s turkey corn dog lives in my mind as well. Is the WEF vegan corn dog the best vegan corn dog I’ve had? Without a doubt, yes. The texture is fantastic, and although it does not have as much flavor as the non-vegan corn dogs I’ve tried, the thought that it is vegan is almost like seasoning in and of itself. It’s like a seasoning for your conscience. I’ll have to wait a long, hard year before the opportunity to experience this vegan corn dog comes again. No meat corn dog, not even the Trader Joe’s turkey corn dog, will compare in the meantime.

Miranda is a linguistics major. She enjoys playing sudoku, roller skating, and eating brie.