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Obscure Jobs You Could Be Destined For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

I’m perfectly content following the career path I have chosen, but sometimes I wonder what alternative occupations I would also excel at. Maybe I was always destined to be a lawyer. Or a marine biologist. Or a hand model that pulls delicious gooey food apart.

I’ll be keeping this list of alternative careers in mind if the whole “college” thing doesn’t work out.

1. Hand Model that stretches a grilled cheese

Wouldn’t mind being paid in food for this job.

2. Person holding the mic boom on reality TV shows

You get to watch the drama unfold in front of you before the episode airs, plus you could “accidentally” hit that one contestant you don’t like in the head with the boom.

3. Host of American Girl Tea Parties

For those who are nostalgic for the days of eating plastic food and sipping imaginary tea– except these expensive tea parties are actually included with real food. It’s a win-win.

4. Person that names Trader Joe’s food products

I give major creativity points to the person that writes all the witty names and descriptions on the labels of Trader Joe’s foods.

5. Macy’s Window Decorator during the Holidays

This job as a window designer probably pays well, and all you have to do is fill a window display with adoptable puppies for passerbyers to gawk over. Requirements: creative design skills and a love for the holidays.  

6. Sloth Bather

It seems just as relaxing for the sloths as it is for the person bathing them. I mean, the baby sloths even hang themselves up to dry.


Elizabeth is a Nutrition in Public Health major and active member of Alpha Chi Omega. She joined HerCampus as a creative outlet amongst all of her science classes. With her remaining 3 years at UC Davis, she hopes to take a selfie with a squirrel, successfully nap in a quad hammock, become a Cal Aggie Camp counselor (✔), study abroad in Japan, and finish all the Aggie Traditions.  You can find her at the CoHo, heaphones blasting a hip-hop playlist to study to, with books and and vanilla latte keeping her company. 
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