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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Last week marked the one year anniversary since the Game of Thrones finale aired. Even though the finale may not have lived up to people’s expectations, it was still bittersweet to say goodbye to the many beloved characters that encompassed the show. This was especially true for Daenerys Targaryen. 

remote control turning on the tv
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters from Unsplash
I was 17 when I first started watching Game of Thrones. I had no idea what the show was about, but I kept seeing articles and clips featuring a woman with intricately braided silver hair. All I knew was that she had 3 dragons and an army of soldiers, which I thought was pretty amazing since I had never seen a show featuring a woman that had her own army. I started watching from the beginning, and the show quickly became one of my favorites. I felt an immediate connection to Daenerys and her backstory.

Watching her grow and become confident in herself as a woman and leader was very impressionable to me. Seeing her be so secure in what she believes and her decisions made me feel like I should be more trusting of myself. Even when her advisors doubted her, she never faltered or lost hope. This was so inspiring for me to see as someone who was having trouble finding her identity and voice. As she grew throughout the series, I felt like I was growing right alongside her. 

Daenerys helped me to realize that I can speak up and I deserve to have a voice as much as anyone else does. Even though it has been a year since the finale, I still find everyday inspiration in her character and actions. So, to the Mother of Dragons, I want to say thank you for helping me become the woman I am today, and for inspiring countless others to stand up for themselves.

woman eating popcorn
Photo by JESHOOTS.com from Pexels

Victoria is a mechanical engineering and communication double major at the University of California, Davis. She loves writing, playing video games, and painting in her free time. Her main goal is to live a creative and fulfilling life.
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