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How to Salvage Your Spring Break Bod for Spring Quarter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Let’s admit it: Spring quarter is a three-month period of contradictions. It’s the season of bikinis, yet day drinking; the rec pool, yet frequent Yoloberry outings; houseboats, yet…err well, houseboats. Spring quarter is the time to shape up that winter bod hiding underneath layers of rain jackets and snow gear. And even if it was the male species responsible for inventing holidays such as houseboats –a three day bonanaza of booze, bikinis, and boats—us females are the ones striving to get in shape for it. And what better place to show off our tight buns and flat stomach than atop Slaughterhouse Island? Here are a few simple changes gauranteeing fast results.

Double-take your tart. Many of us make the mistake of thinking that, “Yoloberry is so cute and innocent, how could it possibly harm my mid-section? Well, collegiettes™, the froyo isn’t the problem; the perpetrators hide in the shiny clear cases to the left of the yogurt. They’re concealed in the devilishly delicious forms of Twix, cookie dough, and gummy worms. Alone, non-fat chocolate frozen yogurt contains around 170 calories per cup –a small price to pay for the delicious dessert. However, once a mountain of Oreos and Butterfingers (picturesquely completed with a river of chocolate syrup) tops your guiltless froyo, a frenemy emerges: a lip-smacking, calorie and fat infested mess that you could only dream to consider healthy.

Now after reading this, please don’t make any rash decisions. Please please please do not place a restraining order between yourself and Yoloberry. Life without Yolo isn’t worth living. Instead, remember that it’s a special treat, not a meal, and manage your servings accordingly. Also remember, you can eat a candy bar whenever you’re sweet tooth desires, so create a cup that focuses on the delicious froyo –not the toppings. However feel free to add fresh fruit to your dish for a taste sweeter and more satisfying than the peach rings can provide. In addition, choose the sugar-free syrups provided near the fruit instead of the sugar-juice disguised as regular chocolate syrup. As long as you make the right choices, there’s no reason to feel guilty for indulging in frozen yogurt on a weekly (…daily?) basis.   
Don’t discount your weekend calories. Ever heard of the “5-day diet”? Almost every collegiette™ unknowingly abides by this meal plan. It starts Monday mornings and ends Friday afternoons, conveniently before Collegiettes™ take to the bars. You’re so good during those five days: you monitor your portions, hydrate well (we’re referring to water here…), and hit the ARC at least every-other-day. Then Friday and Saturday come around. Five shots of vodka/tequila/[enter your hard alc of choice here] later, and you’ve clocked at least 500 calories. And 100 cals of chaser. Maybe you like to keep it classy with your martini or Long Island; you can safely average 200 calories per drink given the bar and the bartender (he’s not so cute now that you know how many calories he’s helping you suck down, huh?). The night’s winding down, and you’re back at your friend’s apartment. She breaks out the Easy Mac and popcorn. Two words: Uhh Ohh. No drunkie can resist the drunchies, and you find yourself ingesting somewhere in the realms of 300 to 600 more calories.

In one night you’ve totaled about 1,300 calories without even realizing. Now, it would be criminal for me to suggest cutting drinking out of your spring quarter, and so I’m not about to. But there are easy ways to account for the calories you are bound to consume during weekends. By incorporating 30 extra minutes of mildly intense cardio into your workout, you can burn an additional 350 calories. Multiply that by four (we’re accounting for sober weekdays), and you’ve totaled a calorie loss of 1,400. Her Campus at UC Davis writer, Jacquelyn Little, offers ways to get creative with workouts in her article on how to Switch Up Your Daily Workout.
If you’re not much of a gym bunny, then look to shave 50 calories off of each meal. Ditch the cheese on your CoHo sandwich (depending on the kind, each slice can contain upwards of 120 calories); switch to skim milk over your cereal and in your latte; or opt for a vinaigrette with your mixed greens in lieu of creamy dressings. By down-sizing just fifty calories at each meal, you’ve reduced your intake by 750 calories in five days.

After tweaking your daily workout routines and eating rituals, check out The Style Gypsy’s article on Bathing Suits For Your Body, as your renewed body will be deserving of a new bikini. So feel great, look great, enjoy that yolo, and feel free to toast your next afternoon beer to yours truly.  

Rachael Brandt is your typical collegiette. Her free time, you'll find her roaming the CoHo, nourishing her hourly caffeine fix or rocking out at the campus rec center in Zumba class. Rachael has interned at Acosta/Salazar PR firm in Sacramento, CA --working with politicians and interest groups to aide their campaigns. She now spends her days working at the Events and Conferencing Center, in hopes of saving up for the many goodies she hopes to acquire while studying abroad next year. After cultivating an obsession for Her Campus, she opened the UC Davis branch, and now serves as campus correspondant.