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How to Create Your Kitchen from Scratch!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Moving into my new apartment this year was an exciting experience. But between meeting my new housemates, perfecting the Feng Shui of the living room, and organizing my family of succulents, I realized I had forgotten one crucial element of starting a new apartment life: the pantry and refrigerator shelves were completely empty.

Coming up with a shopping list for Safeway and Trader Joes proved to be harder than I had anticipated. Creating a kitchen for yourself from scratch can be intimidating. I didn’t know where to start; however, working my way up from the basics seemed to be a safe way to make sure I touched every food group. Here’s a breakdown of the basic foods every new apartment needs:

1. Basic condiments: The easiest thing to completely pass over is always the simplest. Remember to grab your basic condiments such as salt and pepper, sugar, peanut butter, jelly, and honey.

2. Fruits and veggies: It’s always a good idea to stock up on some healthy fruits and veggies like apples, bananas, grapes, carrots, bell peppers, and frozen steamed veggies (which are healthy and easy to prepare!) But make sure you don’t overdo it on these items, as they tend to have a shorter shelf life. It’s better to buy fewer fruits in the beginning and restock when you feel yourself running low.

3. Grains: Grains are going to be your staple for making actual meals. This includes bread, pasta, rice, and noodles.

4. Drinks: From caffeine to Gatorade, a few drinks are always a good idea to keep handy: try iced tea, milk, cold coffee, instant coffee, and tea packets.  

5. Dairy products: Eggs, cheese, ice cream, butter and milk go a long way in creating the backbone of your dairy collection. (If you need a non-dairy substitute for milk, almond milk is a good alternative.)

6. Frozen meals: A few healthy, frozen meals may not be for everyone but are definitely a life saver for those days when you have no time to cook up a fresh meal. Some staple frozen foods in my freezer include frozen steamed veggies, pizza, and shrimp.

7. Snacks! You can’t forget about the foods to cure those midday munchies: popcorn, crackers, granola bars, dried fruits, etc.


Maria is a fourth year at University of California, Davis where she is double majoring in Economics and Comparative Literature. When she's not studying for her classes or writing up an article, you can find her playing soccer with her friends, working with the UCD School of Education or chowing down on some delicious Thai food with her roommates.
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