Meet Hailey Sanders, a third-year majoring in Political Science and double minoring in Women’s Studies and Education. A member of the only community service sorority on campus and studying abroad this summer in Geneva, Switzerland, Hailey has a lot on her plate.
Photo Credit: Tara McDonald
Let’s get the most important question out of the way – what is your Hogwarts house and your Patronus?
Hufflepuff! I took the test and got a Chow dog, and I definitely think I’m a dog, but I’m not sure about the Chow part. That’s funny that you ask that, because I just got a Harry Potter-themed tattoo yesterday.
Tell me about the tattoo!
Well, it’s not the typical tattoo of a wand or the Deathly Hallows, but it aligns perfectly with my house, which I like. It’s a drawing of Wolfsbane (the aconitum plant), which is an actual flower by the way. Most people wouldn’t know that it comes from the book, but I like it that way.
I think this begs the question – if you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one book what would it be?
I would want to bring Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, because that’s my favorite of the series, but if I’m stuck on a depressing desert island, then I think I would want a darker book to go with me. So, for that reason, I think I would have to bring Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar with me.
Your sorority is the only community service oriented sorority on campus. What prompted you to involve yourself in that?
It’s really small, only about 60 people, which I like. It makes it feel more intimate and community-oriented. We’re very active in the community, helping the schools, gardening, and taking care of animals.
What’s your favorite thing about Davis?
I like that it’s not urban, but it’s close to Sacramento and San Francisco. I love the community and college town; it feels homey.
What are your plans after graduation?
I want to go to grad school to become a teacher. I’m graduating in fall of next year, so I’m going to get a job and start working on grad school applications. I want to teach United States history to either eighth graders or eleventh graders.
What made you want to teach American history?
I’ve always been a huge history nerd, but I was also really influenced by Hamilton. History is taught in such a boring way in schools, but Hamilton makes it interesting and relevant. I listened to the soundtrack and started getting super into it and it reminded me why I love history so much.
You recently became vegan, tell me a little about that.
It was a process. I became vegetarian sophomore year of college after learning a lot more about climate change and the environment. But, last year I watched some documentaries about animal cruelty and factory farming and decided to go completely vegan. It’s difficult at first, but I’m so used to it now that it’s a routine part of my life.
Do you have any favorite vegan foods you can find at Trader Joe’s?
That’s a hard one because Trader Joe’s has so much good food. I love their black bean pasta, but every time I go I have to stock up on their vegan oatmeal raisin soft-baked cookies.
If you could go back and offer your freshman-self any advice, what would it be?
Hmmm, probably to not be afraid of getting involved in things on campus and doing internships. I would remind myself that grades aren’t the most important thing in the world.
Thanks for speaking with me, Hailey.
No problem!