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Eyelash Extensions: Yay or Nay?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Last Thursday I went to Sacramento to get my eyelashes done for the very first time! For those of you who aren’t sure what it means to get eyelash extensions, it’s a beauty treatment where you go into a salon and get fake lashes added onto your real ones, one lash at a time. Unlike the fake lashes we normally get at our go-to drugstore makeup counters, eyelash extensions elongate the tips of your lashes to give you a natural, fuller look that makes you look like you’re wearing mascara. It also lasts for 2 to 4 weeks, which means you can go a month without having to wear eye makeup! Here are a few common myths about eyelash extensions, and here is my own quick review of what I think of the treatment:


1. I’ve gotten so many compliments about my eyes from friends and strangers alike! They think I’m wearing natural makeup, even though I’m not.

2. My eyes look bigger, which is great for monolidded people like myself. Because the tips of my lashes are a little bit longer, it makes me look more wide-eyed.

3. I don’t have to spend an extra 20 minutes doing my eye makeup anymore. I just put on foundation, fill in my brows, and that’s it!

4. I feel great! We know beauty comes from within, but sometimes we like to show it on the outside too. I’ve gotten a boost of confidence from my new lashes; they make me feel pretty.


1. Eyelash extensions are not cheap. For a full set, you have to spend approximately $100, and to get them touched up is around $50.

2. You’re not allowed to rub your eyes anymore. I forgot and rubbed my eyes once and a few of my precious lashes fell off.

3. If you have sensitive eyes like me, this might not be for you. My eyes have gotten a little red from not being able to rub my eyes, and the fake lashes are long enough to poke me if I don’t groom them to turn upwards.

4. You need to learn how to take care of them, otherwise they fall out fast. I would suggest buying some products online (but of course, this means spending more money).

Overall, I’m intrigued by eyelash extensions — I never knew something like this existed until one of my girlfriends told me about it. Our world of makeup and beauty products has advanced so much! If you have a special event to go to (Valentine’s is coming up!), or want to treat yourself and feel pretty, I would definitely recommend getting eyelash extensions. It’s a luxury though — you should already know you’re beautiful whether you have long lashes or not!

Tammy is an English and creative writing major and journalism minor at the University of California, Davis. Her love for writing comes from blogging about fun college experiences and creating her own fictional stories. In her spare time, she enjoys tinkering with her violin and guitar, watching reruns of Gossip Girl on Netflix, and fangirling over boy bands. 
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