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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Confession: I adore plants, but I’m awful at taking care of them. Whether it be my hectic schedule or complete forgetfulness, my past is a plant graveyard. In my extensive research, I’ve found a name for this mysterious phenomenon: Black Thumb *cue ominous music*. However, in trial and error, I have found some fool-proof ways to turn my black thumb slightly greener.  Let’s go over some tips and tricks to keep your plants alive and thriving! (from a certified plant killer) 

Find a Plant that Requires Little Maintenance 

Moving from dorm to apartment puts me at an immediate disadvantage; with few opportunities for direct sunlight, my options for viable plants are limited.  The key to creating a successful indoor plant environment is choosing plants that require little to moderate amounts of maintenance.  One of my go-to plants is the Snake Plant; it’s a vivid green and extremely drought-tolerable, only needing to be watered every few weeks.  Not to mention it can survive in low-light environments, so if you’re in a dorm or apartment, this plant is perfect!  Another one of my favorites is the String of Hearts Plant: gorgeous, winding, heart-shaped leaves, this is a fantastic plant for decorating bookshelves.  Honorable mention to succulents, the all-stars of indoor plants: durable, beautiful, and drought-resistant, they’re perfect for any living condition.  My advice is to do a little research and find the plant that fits your needs best.  There’s an exponential amount to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that you love. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Kill a Few Plants  

I know that seems counterproductive, but I promise there’s no shame if a plant or two don’t survive at first.  If anything, it’s a right of passage.  This, like everything else in life, is a learning curve.  If I can transform my plant cemetery into an apartment oasis, anything is possible.  

Incorporate It Into Your Schedule 

What I’ve found to help my chronic forgetfulness is setting reminders and crafting a schedule.  Choose a steady time that you usually have available every week.  Make the most out of it: play your favorite music, journal, and take some time to relax.  I’ve realized that if you do this with purpose and intent, taking care of plants is a great way to clear your head.  Plus, making this a steady habit is sure to help boost productivity! 

Filling your living space with plant life is the perfect way to add a pop of color and refresh your entire atmosphere.  Whether you start with a succulent or dive right into the deep end, you’re sure to learn a ton along the way.  This allows you to create your perfect sanctuary and earth aesthetic-anything from a forest wonderland to a succulent garden.  With some trial and error, our black thumbs will eventually be green.  Immerse yourself in this Spring Season through the world of plants. Happy Planting! 

Alexa is a second year English major at UCD. In her free time, she loves baking, making Spotify playlists for her latest reads, and laughing with friends. She’s super excited to be part of HC this year!