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5 Reasons to Write Letters for the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Do you remember when we used to take handwritten letters for granted? I don’t really remember either because, like you, I grew up in the 2000’s. However, I do know the warm feeling I get when someone gives me a letter. You know that feeling too, right? If you want to hold onto that feeling this holiday season, try writing letters instead of giving your loved ones lousy, meaningless gifts. 

1. It’s healthy to express yourself

If you’re not the best at sharing your feelings, writing a letter can help you say those things you’re too uncomfortable to say in person. 

2. They will appreciate you more

​You are guaranteed to receive a bear hug and/or a huge “Thank you!” from whomever you give the letter to! 

3. You’ll get something in return

They might even write you a letter in return, or give you a little something extra for the holidays. 

4. The look on their face

Personally, I love seeing the look of pure joy on someone’s face, especially if I know I’m the reason behind it. 

5. It looks pretty

Honestly, there is nothing more beautiful than black cursive font on creamy stationary paper. Okay, I need to go write a letter now.


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