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20 Healthy Foods Every College Students Needs On Their Grocery List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Many of us wish we could still live in the dorms forever where we enjoyed a full meal plan: three meals a day and a late night snack. I hate to say it, but after freshman year it’s time to officially grow up and cook your own food. My first couple months of grocery shopping was a struggle because I was always buying the wrong foods. I never felt like I had enough to eat, yet I was constantly throwing away food that had gone bad because I didn’t eat it. After much frustration, I finally mastered the perfect grocery list. So, here are the 15 healthy foods every college needs in their shopping cart.


  1. Bananas: The best part about this fruit with 450mg of potassium is that even if your bananas turn brown, you can blend them into a smoothie.

  2. Sweet Potatoes: All you have to do is cut them down the middle and stick them in the microwave or oven.

  3. Eggs: An easy and low-cost way to get some protein and vitamin D in your diet. You can mix in some veggies to make a scramble and use them in sandwiches or salads when they’re hardboiled.

  4. Sliced Turkey: Great in salads, wraps, or sandwiches and therefore, make for the perfect packed lunch for days you have to stay on campus past noon.

  5. Greek Yogurt: The perfect calcium filled snack with some honey, fruit or nut butter.

  6. Almond Butter: A worthy alternative to peanut butter, this condiment also has a long shelf-life.

  7. Bagels: Keep them in the freezer and they will never go bad!

  8. Grapes: Easy to pack in lunches, and make for the perfect treat when frozen.

  9. Apples: This fruit takes longer to go bad in comparison to most fruits and is a great snack to grab when you’re in a hurry.

  10. String Cheese: This option is extremely portable and a good source of protein (Plus, I always see Kim Kardashian eating it on her show, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and there’s something to be said about a Kardashian-approved anything!)

  11. Boxed or Canned Soup: For the days you don’t feel like making a mess in the kitchen, try this option, which only requires a little heating up.

  12. Olives: Great addition to salads.

  13. Avocados: Perfect to scramble in eggs, add to salads, sandwiches, or wraps.

  14. Oatmeal:  A nutritious, filling, and easy to make (Tip: Trader Joe’s has a great variety, from flax-seed to ginger-flavored)

  15. Rice Crackers: A low calorie and crunchy snack.

  16. Tortillas and Shredded Cheese for Quesadillas: It’s just such an easy dinner!

  17. Pinto Beans: A nice addition to your quesadilla or salad—high in fiber and calcium.

  18. Chicken Breast: With so many recipes out there, this ingredient rarely gets boring! Still, I typically boil chicken breasts because it’s the fastest and healthiest way to cook them.

  19. Edamame Beans:  A great snack on its own and a tasty addition to any salad.

  20. Frozen Corn On The Cob: Just boil hot water, throw your corn on the cob in the pot, and BAM—you have the perfect addition to any dinner meal.

Hannah Wren is an English major and Digital Humanities minor on the Dean's Honors List for outstanding academic performance at UCLA. Hannah loves to write and has ample writing experience outside of school. Currently, she works at 7 Generation Games where she creates content for their website to engage and inspire their users. When she is not writing or working, she enjoys spending time with her family, bonding with friends and reading. After she graduates college, Hannah hopes to become a UX designer, entertainment journalist and publish a novel.
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