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10 Life Perspectives You Can Change

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

College is a time of self-realization; it’s a time to discover who you are and what makes you happy. Along the way you will have some difficult moments that will make you question your values.

If something you once saw in black and white is starting to turn gray, it’s okay. You’re allowed to change your perspective on things. In fact, you should change your perspective if it makes you happier. Don’t let other people’s views on these ten topics stop you from standing up for what you believe in.

Marriage: With divorce rates on the rise, you shouldn’t feel bad for crossing marriage off your to-do list. Sure, you can keep an open mind about it, but it doesn’t have to be a top priority.


Sex: Casual hook-ups are common in college, and yet some people think they have the right to judge you for having an active sex life. Don’t let this stop you from having a good time. It’s your body and you can do what you want with it. 

Kids: Our society works really hard to convince us that every woman is suited for motherhood. Even if that were true, it still doesn’t mean that every woman wants to be a mother. If you’d rather hold onto you indepence, then go for it.   

Politics: Politics ia always a touchy subject. Maybe you weren’t into politics before, but now you find it interesting. Conversely, maybe you were into politics and now dislike the ideologies. Maybe you’ve even switched parties. It’s good to have ideas that evolve, but don’t worry about trying to make the world agree with you. Cast your vote proudly and let others do the same. 

Abortion: In your college experience, you will know at least one girl who is facing this difficult decision. Remember, everyone’s experience is their own. Being supportive doesn’t include pushing your politics or personal beliefs onto other women.

Expectations of happiness: We expect to find a cute significant other, to have our family’s support throughout college, and to develop life-long friendships. The truth is– life happens and these expectations change. Change doesn’t mean you won’t be happy, you will just have to find happiness in way you didn’t intend. 

Relationships: In college, you will meet so many different people with different values and perspectives. You may find yourself happier with those people than with the ones you’ve known. Be open and responsible.

Sexuality: Thankfully, sexuality is becoming less taboo as society evolves. College allows you to have an open mind about romantic partners. 

“Hating” Others: In high school, you always found someone to hate, but as you will realize in college, hatred is pointless. You’ll learn that you can’t control or change people. You can only accept them for who they are. 

Greek life: It’s probably one of the most stereotyped things in college, but really, it doesn’t live up to expectations. Getting involved in greek life will help you become more social and learn new things.

College has changed my perspective on so many issues. I never would have imagined myself in a sorority or writing for Her Campus. Remember, college offers new experiences and it’s okay to embrace them!

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