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Why This Election Is About More Than Just the Presidency — And Why You Should Care

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

“This is the most important election of our lifetime.” That’s what everyone keeps saying, right? You’ve probably heard that exact statement from the likes of commentators on news networks, journalists on Twitter, and passionately political family members on Facebook. But how could there possibly be so much at stake during this election? How could voting in one presidential election affect us for the rest of our lives, and could it actually affect the lives of our children and grandchildren?

It’s easy to assume that this election is solely about who gets to become the next president. But, like most things in life, it’s all a lot more complicated than that.

Whoever wins the presidential election determines the outlook of almost every aspect of our lives. The presidential candidates clearly have immensely different platforms and viewpoints on issues, and those opposing stances could drastically affect our future.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Sometimes it’s hard to look at the bigger picture of this election because our focus is narrowed in so tightly on the candidates themselves. It’s obviously important to vote for the candidate that we deem as being the most qualified for the job. However, we’re not just voting for a person; we’re voting for their platform and policies, too. With this in mind, we need to consider each candidate’s position on topics like healthcare, the pandemic, immigration, gun control, criminal justice reform, the environment, the economy, reproductive rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, the Black Lives Matter movement, the future of the Supreme Court, and so much more. The way in which these issues are handled by whoever wins the presidency could set a precedent that could certainly impact us for a long time—potentially for the rest of our lives. (So, that quote about this being “the most important election of our lifetime?” It’s pretty accurate.)

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
It’s also important to remember that there are other electoral races on the ballot aside from the presidency. There is a vast array of state and local elections that should be taken just as seriously as the presidential election. The outcome of those elections could easily affect your future, and your vote gives you the opportunity to have a say in what you want your future to look like. So, before filling out your ballot, make sure that you’re doing as much research as possible about the various candidates, props, and measures that you’re going to be voting for. Being educated and well-informed is the best way to prepare for an election.

Ballot Submission
Photo by Arnaud Jaegers from Unsplash
This can seem like a lot to take into consideration, and it can definitely feel like too much to understand all at once. That’s why there are so many reputable resources to utilize during this election season! When you’re looking for voting resources to use, try to make sure that you’re finding organizations that are reliable, factual, and trustworthy. Some really great informational sources are Vote Save America, Vote.org, and Rock the Vote. Be sure to also check out the Her Campus Election 2020 guide for even more election resources and updates.

With all of that being said, please vote. Your voice matters, so why not use it?


Courtney Wells

UC Riverside '22

Courtney is an undergrad at UC Riverside with a major in Sociology and a minor in Feminist Studies. She is passionate about social justice, intersectional feminism, and political activism. She is a lover of reading, iced tea, dad jokes, scary movies, cheese fries, and Taylor Swift. She can usually be found rewatching Pride and Prejudice (2005) with her cats.
Deedee Plata

UC Riverside '22

20 year old creative writing major with a love for skincare, representation, and art. When not laying down and watching cartoons, I can be found working on my novel or browsing through baby name forums.