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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Remember your first attempt at a riding a bike? How tight your mother had secured the knee and arm pads and helmet? And How you were so nervous that the handle bars kept shaking from left to right? Although you were probably terrified of riding this bike with no wheels, you had your parent’s there, cheering you on. They picked you up when you fell they were your helping hand.


A helping hand, however, does not need to stop after your first successful bike ride.

Support is such a big thing in our lives. During our adolescent years it might seem difficult and almost impossible to find a support system. These are the years where we begin learning so much about ourselves. We also began to create a circle of friends. But maybe after a while we begin to realize that not all our peers were necessarily supportive. Maybe some of them had bad intentions that you never knew about. Or maybe some just wanted to remain by your side only to compete against you. And it took you a while to realize this.

These patterns of unhealthy friendships continue on to college.  This is the age and the time where we need to begin to reevaluate our relationships. You need to ask yourself, “Who are the ones that support me? That believe in me?” and “Who are the ones that bring me to my truest state of being?”  Ever heard of the saying, “Let go of the bad things to welcome in the good ones?” Trust yourself enough to make your own decisions and choose the people whom you can build relationships with for the long run.

We all need someone to keep cheering us on in life. And we all need a support system!