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Let’s Bring Back Hobbies

Updated Published
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

I’m sure we’ve all been in the situation where you have to introduce yourself to a new group of people, and panic because one of the questions you have to answer is “what do you like to do in your free time?” – and you realize that all you do in your free time is rest and scroll social media. It isn’t much time before you realize you’re saved, because everyone else  says “sleep” or “watch TV”, and though those are valid responses I can’t help but notice that hobbies are no longer people’s priorities. 

Nowadays, hobbies are not seen as something desirable or important unless they’re profitable. There is so much societal pressure to be “productive”’ or to invest in hobbies that give you some type of monetary value in the long-run, which completely neglects the benefits of investing in your own personal interests.

The importance of hobbies is underrated. They’re not just necessary in a social sense, but there is actually evidence it can contribute to your overall physical health as well. It is understandable why hobbies have lost their popularity – some hobbies bring more expenses to the already high cost of living. Plus, they can conflict with important  commitments, making staring at the screen easier. But having at least one hobby can really help you rather than harm you. You learn more about yourself (therefore gaining a better sense of identity), have the opportunity to meet new people, and even  build confidence.  

That being said, where do you even start? Finding the right hobby is difficult when you haven’t got the time to really know yourself. So, instead of going all in and investing in one expensive hobby that you might not like, start small. If you enjoy art, try drawing with a simple paper and pencil or buy a coloring book to use for a couple of hours a week. If you enjoy fashion, instead of buying a bunch of new clothes, try upcycling old pieces you already have in your closet. Or, if you don’t have enough time in the day, you can even incorporate  hobbies into your routine, like promising yourself to cook a new meal at least twice a week. 

Taking these small steps will allow us to create a more diverse, interesting society and help us get to know ourselves better. So let’s bring back hobbies in 2024!

Hailey Moreno

UC Riverside '25

I'm currently a third-year Sociology major at UC Riverside. I love all things pop culture, writing, and music!