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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

The death of George Floyd was wrong. His life was taken away. We stand for George Floyd and all black lives because they matter. They are human, they matter yesterday, today and tomorrow.. Justice needs to be served and white supremacy must end. Here are some ways that you can educate yourself more on how to support the movement to end this injustice. 


1. Justice in June 

Has daily activities that you can choose from that help you become informed and become one step closer to being an ally of the black community. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H-Vxs6jEUByXylMS2BjGH1kQ7mEuZnHpPSs1Bpaqmw0/mobilebasic.

2. #blacklivesmatter 

say their names black lives matter sign
Photo by Frankie Cordoba from Unsplash

This document talks about different lives that have been taken because of police brutality. It also mentioned different places where one can donate, as well as petitions. It’s not just George Floyd, but the countless others that have been lost to police brutality and white supremacy.


3. Black History Month Library 

This folder holds multiple documents that talk about the history of Black people in America. It is important for non-Black folks to do their research, educate and inform themselves of the history of Black lives in America – the true history.



These are just some of the websites that I have used to be more informed and help support. Please educate yourself and understand the injustice in this country at the time and how it must be ended.

Ashleen Herrarte

UC Riverside '22

Ashleen was a UCR Political Science and Philosophy major. She graduated from UCR back in Spring 2022. When she was not writing articles for HCUCR, she was usually spending time with friends by going out to eat yummy foods or watching shows at home. She hopes you enjoyed reading her articles!