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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Much like for everyone else, 2020 has been a whirlwind of emotions. But, during this period of darkness and unawareness, there have been small moments when life seemed a bit brighter. In order for me to experience these moments, I found myself going back five years ago. I was 13, entering a new middle school, with the world so vast in front of me. 

Since I had a lot of free time when I was in middle school, I was involved in a lot of my own little hobbies. I painted, read a lot of books, and I watched a lot of anime. I was so invested in these hobbies that I often forgot about the big world and the fear of making new friends in my new middle school. 

Anna Schultz-Girl Sitting On Bed Facing Wall
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

Fast forward to the year 2020, a few weeks had gone by after my high school permanently closed, and I was lost, to say the least. I never got to say goodbye to my friends in person and my high school graduation was up in the air. While I aimlessly scrolled through TikTok, I found one video that mentioned an anime that had become incredibly popular. Pulled by curiosity, I started watching Demon Slayer

This was my first time watching anime ever since I was 13. 

While watching Demon Slayer, I realized that I had forgotten the thrill and exhilaration that anime gave me, unlike any other type of show/art medium. I was also reminded of my middle school days, coming back home after a long day at school and sitting in front of my laptop to watch a new episode. I always felt a sense of refreshing nostalgia with every episode that I watched. 

laptop on bed with a mug on top of a book
Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels

Inspired by my middle school-self, I also picked up painting and started reading books again. Before, the stress and tribulations of high school had suppressed any free time I had for me to enjoy my hobbies. Picking up these old hobbies again, especially during quarantine, felt like nuzzling into a warm blanket on a cold winter day. I was taken back to a time when I was unaware of the world around me. All I cared about was me and my paintbrush, or me and my laptop, or me and the book I was reading. My hobbies had become such a huge part of me that whenever I did them, they took me to my own happy place. And during unprecedented times like these, it was something I needed.

brushes and watercolor palette
Photo by Crystal de Passillé-Chabot from Unsplash

So, to those sitting across the screen, I encourage you to do the same. If you find yourself spiraling into uncertainty, try going back to the past to your old hobbies. You may find that maybe they aren’t so “old” after all–in fact, the familiarity of these hobbies can be comforting. 


Angelin Simon

UC Riverside '24

Angelin is currently pursuing a B.S. in Neuroscience at UC Riverside. In her free time, she enjoys taking long naps, stargazing, and painting.
Deedee Plata

UC Riverside '22

20 year old creative writing major with a love for skincare, representation, and art. When not laying down and watching cartoons, I can be found working on my novel or browsing through baby name forums.