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DIY with Dariana: Baskets of Love for Mother’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

     Hello HC Cuties! Hopefully most of you are done with midterms and are relaxing from all of the stress, but don’t get too cozy! Mother’s Day is right around the corner and our mothers would never let us live it down if we forgot their holiday. I rattle my brain every year trying to get my mom something meaningful for Mother’s Day that’s not too expensive, but really shows how much I love and appreciate everything she does for me. And Eureka, I think I’ve found it! Here I will share with you guys the secret to making the perfect Mother’s Day gift, personalized to each mom’s taste.

There are a few variations I have in mind, but I’ll make just one to show how it’s done. Here are some ideas to get you started with your own basket:

1.      The Movie Fanatic

  • Add a couple boxes of  popcorn, some sweets to satisfy her sweet tooth, and her favorite rom-coms all together in a big tub of popcorn (just the tub, hold the popcorn).

2.      The Up and Coming Chef

  • Add one or two cookbooks, some baking utensils, and a couple of boxes of cake mix (this is a plus for you because you get to enjoy whatever goodies she makes!).

3.      The Gardening Enthusiast

  • Add different packets of seeds, a cute pair of gloves, and some tiny shovels and rakes in a flower pot.

4.      The Caffeine Addict

  • In a big coffee cup add different flavored packets of tea, one of those adorable tea steeper/infusers, and maybe a gift-card to her favorite coffee place.

5.      The Spa Frequenter

  • Add some yummy flavored lotions and scrubs, some bath salts, and an eye mask to help your mom relax on her special day!


For my gift, I will be making the Spa Frequenter basket since my mom really enjoys all of those different flavored lotions and shower gels.



  • Basket (or something to put everything in)
  • Goodies to put inside the basket (lotions, loofahs, soaps, perfumes, candles, etc.)
  • Newspaper or old magazines
  • Tape
  • Crinkle (those paper strips that are all wrinkly and zig-zaggy)
  • Wooden skewers
  • Artificial flowers (optional)

NOTE: Most of these things (if not all) can be found at your local Dollar Tree or 99 cents store

1.      Start crumpling up the newspaper or pages from an old magazine. Depending on how high you want the items to pop up, figure out how much paper you should add.

2.      When you are happy with the height of your filler paper, add the crinkle on the top. (I didn’t really have enough to fully cover the top of the basket so I ended up just putting it on the sides since the items covered up all the crumpled paper in the middle.)

3.      Using the tape, glue on a skewer to each of the items. This helps them stay up and not fall backwards under their own weight. Since usually skewers are really long, I cut mine in half. Here is what it should look like:

4.      Arrange the items inside the basket however you want. The skewers help them stay in place so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem to keep them from falling backwards.

5.      When the items are all placed to your liking, add in some extra little details to fill in the spaces and make the basket pop. I chose to add some flowers, but you can add anything from ribbon to strings of beads. Whatever you choose to add, make sure it’s a bold color so it pops out and doesn’t blend in to the background.


That’s all folks! It’s that easy! Use your imagination and create a basket suited to your mom’s hobbies, likes and guilty pleasures (yes that means chocolate). Don’t get too frustrated if it doesn’t turn out perfectly the first time; take it apart and try again. Anyways, our moms will probably love it no matter what if it’s made and given with love.

Happy Crafting, HC Cuties and Happy Mother’s Day!

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Darcie Chapman

UC Riverside

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UC Riverside

UC Riverside