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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.


How does it feel to be graduating during a pandemic? Are there positive things that came out of this experience?

It honestly feels really weird to be graduating during a pandemic. Obviously we wish it was in-person because we’ve all been dreaming about this moment for a long time, but it is what it is and you go with the flow. I’m really grateful that at least we get to have a sort-of in-person graduation.

I think I learned how to take care of myself better actually, and be really in my thoughts and learned a lot about myself.

When did you know that your major was right for you? Was it always your major or did you change it at one point?

I think I knew my major was right for me when I transferred to UCR, and I actually started doing research in a psych lab. It was always my major always but I was pre-med, then I was psycho-biology, then I got psychology for sure

What is one way (or more ways) that you feel like you have grown since your freshman year? Are you more confident, more outgoing, more well-put together etc?

One thing I know is I’ve become more mature in certain ways, and I became more patient and calm and tried not to overthink everything like when I came out of high school and entered college. I learned a lot about friendships, too.

What are you most excited to do once you graduate? Doesn’t have to be grad school or career related.

I will be taking a gap year once I graduate. I’m really excited, and if this is possible, I’d like to travel. I’m just taking a break before grad school

What are your plans for the near or far future? How do you see the happiest version of yourself?

Honestly, after experiencing COVID-19, I don’t know my future plans. If you asked everyone 5 years ago, they would have said something but obviously things changed. None of us could have predicted COVID-19, so I’m just going to go with the flow.

I do hope to be living in a nice city, hopefully NYC, and being the best version of myself.

What is one thing you would like to tell your freshman year self?

Be prepared a lot, plan ahead and try out for every single thing and every opportunity there is.

When you were at your most stressed, how did you relax and unwind?

I relax and unwind by watching funny YouTube videos or by reading. I love reading a lot. I love reading Harry Potter or old books.

What is one thing you feel like you’ve gotten from Her Campus and what is a word of advice you’d like to leave the remaining undergraduate students.

I love the community, everyone is so funny and so supportive of each other that is something I’ll always carry with me

Word of advice I’d like to leave – live your best life in college, try out every opportunity, go for everything, so at least you know. just do everything so you have no regrets

Any finishing words? 

I hope that everyone lives their best lives!

Audrey Kim

UC Riverside '24

Audrey is a Computer Engineering major who wants to improve her writing skills. She hopes that readers will be informed, amused, or both, by her content!