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Can Someone’s Mental Health Cloud People’s Judgment on That Person’s Opinion?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Up until a few years ago, Kanye West was known for his musical talent and his ability to conveyed unique messages through his songs and videos. Since his mother’s death and his marriage to Kim Kardashian, the rapper’s reputation has changed drastically from a happy, Grammy-winning musician to a outspoken and peculiar celebrity. Many people have acknowledged his change in character throughout the years. According to Buzzfeed, Kanye’s demeanor and self-presentation have changed significantly from what spectators and fans have known of him from the beginning of his career.

Since Kanye’s mental health hospitalization in November 2016, his actions and statements have been controversial, (to say the least) due to what he refers to his “free-thinking” mentality. From his support of Trump to his  infamous interview with TMZ where he stated that slavery was a choice for 400 years, Kanye has definitely been making headlines lately. Many people were shocked at the latter his statement, exhibiting outrage and disappointment with the artist. In the comments on Twitter, people were essentially coming to the conclusion that Kanye was stuck in the Sunken Place from Jordan Peele’s “Get Out”. As a result, fans haven’t been receptive to Kanye’s  rants and musings and have been questioning the stability of his celebrity.

Kanye recently shared something on Twitter that gained the attention of  his viewers—but in  a positive light.

On September 20,  Kanye tweeted, “We should be able to participate in social media without having to show how many followers or likes we have. Just like how we can turn off the comments we should be able to turn off the display of followers. This has an intense negative impact on our self-worth.”  

Soon after Kanye tweeted a snapchat employee sent a text to Kim Kardashian, that he liked the tweet and mentioned the Kanye should start a public snapchat. He began to talk about social media and how the heads should be responsible for the psychological damage done to users. Kanye also mentioned the effect that social media has on our sense of self- worth, saying that many people “ seeking validation in the stimulation”.   

( Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay)


Kanye definitely has a point here. Social media can be superficial, which sometimes leads its users to be superficial themselves. Social media users are seen in comments making judgments and comparisons about others on these platforms. They display favoritism and acknowledgment through likes. Social media platforms allow people to be whomever they want, both in terms of physical appearance and personality.

MTV’s Catfish is a prime example of the psychological and behavioral changes we see in people due to the superficial nature that society has become accustomed to with social media. The show’s participants often share their background stories, all of which seem to have a reoccurring theme of not feeling accepted and wanting to embody someone.

Mental health is serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Social media’s negative effects are something that those on the other side of the screen can’t see until it’s too late. Everyone is raised differently, and therefore, not everyone fully comprehends their self-worth—so these individuals often look to social media to fill that void.

The point is, we have to start changing the conversation as soon as possible. Perhaps more schools should implement self-esteem workshops or classes so future social media users have this positive exposure at an early age. Everyone should know that they are worthy and acceptable and deserve a true shot at happiness. We all matter, and what matters most is how you perceive yourself and your happiness in who you are.

If you feel that you need help managing your mental health, UC Riverside has CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services) as a resource. They’re located on campus in the Veitch Student Center, North Wing. Their office hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8 a.m. to – 5 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 a.m. to- 5 p.m. Counselors are available by phone 24 hours daily at (951) 827-5531.

Hi, I'm Savannah. I'm currently a Senior at UCRiveride studying Sociology. After graduation, I'm looking into doing Public Relations with a media and entertainment company. My favorite things to do are find the best shopping deals and go on road trips.