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Campus Cutie: Matt Rozzana

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Introducing Matt Rozzana, a second year Creative Writing major, with a gorgeous smile! Sorry ladies, he’s taken!

  • Describe yourself in 3 words: Kind, Thoughtful, and Sarcastic.
  • Tell me one interesting or weird thing about yourself. I watch movies so many times I can recite at least one scene from every movie I’ve ever seen.
  • What’s your favorite movie? The Wizard of Oz.
  • And your favorite food? Chicken Parmesan.
  • So what’s the perfect date night for you? Disney movie marathon with In-N-Out.
  • And what you look for in a partner? Someone with a sense of humor and a drive
  • And what’s the ultiamte deal breaker for you? Cheating. 
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Katrina Honer

UC Riverside

Katrina is 3rd year Anthropology and Psychology double major at UC Riverside. She works as a peer mentor for freshman students and as a programs associate for the Highlander Union Building. She says "Life being what it is, it is all about going along for the ride and seeing where it takes you." She enjoys writing in her spare time and strives to write articles that not only appeal to a college environment but that also challenge cultural beliefs.
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UC Riverside

UC Riverside