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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Figuring your life out in your last year of college isn’t exactly the best thing ever because it leaves you with a lot of regrets and what if’s. To put this in perspective, my best year in high school was my final year because it was the year I chose to do it all. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic having stolen one of my college years, and my being too afraid of the unknown, I was forced to repeat the same mistake and am once again, doing it all at the very end. In an attempt to help others not fall down this same rabbit hole, here are four meaningful tips from a senior with regrets. 

Attend Office Hours

You’re sitting in a lecture hall at 8 am with a couple dozen other students who can’t seem to keep their eyes open and the professor mentions their office hours are right after class. Usually, I would bolt to the comfort of my bed as soon as class was over but on the rarest of occasions, I decided to go. I’ve now learned how immensely useful the conversations with your professors really are. I was always afraid of initiating, but I’ve learned the professors will usually guide the conversation. Not only can they help you articulate your thoughts into actual words, but becoming familiar with your professors builds a better rapport that might even help bump your grade up had it been on the very edge of the next best letter grade.

Believe in Yourself

One of the biggest mistakes I made was letting other people control me. My ideal major wasn’t actually at the school I attend and when I tried to transfer out they told me I’d be better off staying. Here’s me telling you to ignore those people because only you can determine where you’ll fit best, for you have your own best interest. I’ve now learned that as scary as the unknown is, sometimes you just have to push yourself into it because what you may find on the other side may make it worth your while. Don’t be afraid to trust your instincts and lean into your biggest desires. 

Join Organizations on Campus

From our first years in college, we are told to go familiarize ourselves with the various different organizations on campus. Although it doesn’t seem like it, these are what can really define your college career. Through the organizations you join you’ll be making a whole lot of new friends with people of all kinds of different backgrounds and majors. Depending on the org, they might even be going into the same career path which can help your networking! Personally, I joined a sorority and writing team where I feel completely welcomed and accepted. My college life would have been very bland and boring without them and the people in it. My advice is to go to the meetings, even if you’re reserved or hesitant; the org will most likely be welcoming and excited to have you. We’ve all been first-timers before after all.

Take Advantage of Your Resources

Being college students means we have a myriad of assets at our disposal, from writing tutors to health agencies. And although it’s easy to take these things for granted, eventually they will no longer be there. I personally regret not attending the cooking classes and the concerts because now with the pandemic my opportunity has come and left. So go to the little giveaway events, attend all the workshops, and use every resource available to improve your education. After all, thats what we all came here to do.

If I were a freshman again, I would have loved to hear and take all this advice to heart because it would have made my experience as a college student a whole lot smoother and easier. So take it from a senior with regrets, do your very best to put yourself out there, and never stop fighting for your education.

Jay Telles

UC Riverside '22

Fourth-year English major with a love for social justice, fashion, and woman empowerment.