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Veterans Day: The Role of Women

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

Veterans Day, which is celebrated November 11, is a day to honor the men and women that have served our country. People around the country proudly wear yellow ribbons which is a symbol of solidarity with someone who is far from home. Also, it means that one “supports our troops.” Others proudly display the US flag in front of their house on this day.

This day is very important to commemorate our veterans that are willing to sacrifice and serve others. So, I know that saying “thank you for your service” is something very small compared to the freedom we have because of their sacrifice and bravery.

I would like to take and moment and focus on the role of women in the military. Women first started serving in our military as a supporting role some were nurses or cooks during the 18th century. It was not until the two years of World War I that women were allowed to join the military.

According to Veterans’ Administration Data, it states that 70 percent of women have experienced sexual harassment during their time serving. And, only 10-13 percent of women report their sexual assault. It is difficult for many women to confront the situation. Not only are they going to war but many of them are fighting an invisible war.

Hello! My name is Shary. I'm a student at UC Irvine with a passion for film, writing and graphic design.