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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.


Spring is a season of blooming, a season of renewal, and, most unfortunately… a season of cleaning. But when it comes to the dorms, spring cleaning looks a little different; in fact, we’re all in luck, because there’s likely a lot less to clean! Nevertheless, cleaning anything can still be annoyance, and that’s why I’ve gotten a head start on my very own spring cleaning to help you get a head start on yours!

Here are the steps on how to quickly and easily make your dorm look springy, tidy and new:


  1. Get yourself some Clorox wipes.


Don’t worry about all those fancy schmancy cleaning products. Trust me, this stuff is all you’ll need. It’s a college student’s holy grail.


  1. Make your bed.


We all know our beds have looked like this at some point… or worse. Since it’s the easiest step, make your bed first! And no, that doesn’t mean throw your blankets and pillows onto your bed and expect to be done. Wash and dry your sheets, make your bed look nice, and voila—you’re one step closer to finishing your spring cleaning.



3) Tidy up your desk.



Use the clorox wipes to wipe down all of your desk, and remove any clutter or unnecessary things from on, under, and around your desk. Give yourself a tidy, clean work space.


4) Clean and organize your drawers.

I know this step sounds tedious, but it doesn’t have to be—simply take out any trash or unnecessary items and store them where you have room for things you don’t need.


Once you’re done with that, organize the stuff you plan to keep in your drawers.


5) Organize your closet and clothing drawers.

Make sure all of your clothes are hanging up right.


Then, make sure the clothes in your drawers are neatly folded and in the right place.


6) Wash any dirty dishes.


You probably don’t have very many dirty dishes while living in the dorms, but that’s exactly why it’s easy to let it slip past you. Take this opportunity to clean them up so that they’re ready to use again.


7) Vacuum.

And the moment we’ve all been waiting for: the last step.


Whether you have to borrow a vacuum or you have your own, make sure to vacuum your side of the room to finish up the cleaning.


And there you have it! Hopefully these tips will help to make your spring cleaning a bit easier.