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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

Picture this. You’re in the grocery store getting all the items you need stocked up for the week. You pick up a box of cereal, you then head towards the next aisle. Then suddenly an unexpected beam of bright red and pink lights hit your face. The smell of cheap candy flies up your nose like a baby cupid’s arrow covered in chocolate. You start to ask yourself, do you dare turn to look at all the hearts, chocolates and flowers? Or do you keep walking and pretend it doesn’t bother you, when you know in the back of your head…

Yes, it’s the beginning of February and what does that mean? It’s almost Valentine’s Day. The one day of the year that you feel most pressured to have a significant other to be your Valentine. But this article isn’t meant to totally bash on this useless holiday, if anything it is to celebrate a day where you can love yourself and not be dependent on anyone to make you feel loved. As a single that wants to treat the day like any other, here is how I plan to get through this Valentine’s Day: 

Step One: Take a break from social media. 

Watching people post Instagram stories of their significant other buying them flowers or sweets is not fun. Nor does it benefit anyone by watching it. Also, this could be a helpful tip during any month of the year. Keep in mind, social media highlights people at their happiest, not their reality. 

Step Two: Face Masks

I swear there is nothing that feels better than having on a face mask, lighting a candle, watching Netflix and drinking a beer all by yourself. Not only does it feel good to clean your face, but the satisfaction of taking off the mask and feeling hydrated could make anyone go “ahhhh”.

Woman Lying on White Textile With Sliced Cucumbers on Her Eyes
Breakingpic from Pexels

Yes, you read that right. NO romantic comedies (unless it’s “Isn’t it Romantic.” 10 out of 10 recommend). Why? Who wants to see two hopeless romantics falling in love and then finding out they were both dared by their friends to find a boyfriend/girlfriend and try to get them to break up with you?? Yep, I’m referring to the film “How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days.” Who came up with this plot??

Step Four: Horror is everything

Instead, watch a scary movie. It’ll make you feel way better about your single status when the protagonist gets killed by their lover and your popcorn jumps out its bucket. (Need I say more?) Recommendations: Get Out, Scream, Shaun of the Dead, The Purge.


Step Five: Pizza Specials

Now I am not a huge fan of pizza but every once in a while I do get that urge to splurge on a good slice of cheese pizza with pineapple! And Pizza Hut or Domino’s has a good sale on Valentines Day. (Also I recommend Pizza Hut’s cinnabon bites, they are to die for.)

galentine\'s day party
Krista Stucchio

Step Six: Wait after Valentine’s Day to buy candy

Since the packaging of each chocolate is changed for Valentine’s Day, it’s way fresher than the regular packaged chocolates. Also the candy goes on sale the day after Valentine’s Day. If you’re lucky, I’ve seen it go on sale the day of Valentines Day.

Valentine's Sweetheart Candies
Jill Wellington on Pexels

Step Seven: The Bachelor

I’ve met a lot of people that either hate the show or completely love it. If you are someone that hasn’t watched it yet, I highly suggest it. If you’re not currently following this season of The Bachelor, at least watch Juan Pablo’s season. It is pure gold. Or even just YouTube it, that works too.  

But I must say, this season has been my favorite thus far. Why you may ask? You get the drama, the romance, the cheesiness, the heartbreak, this show has got it all! Also, it is a fun show to gossip about. 

bundle of roses
Pexels / picjumbo.com

With all these steps, you have nothing to fear this Valentine’s Day and everything to embrace for a day that celebrates YOU.

Jenna Red

UC Irvine '20

Film and Media Studies Major: currently working on my last year at University of California, Irvine. Avid drawer and horror enthusiast! I hope to work for an Animation Studio or become a director. My daily habits are to draw, listen to jazz music and sip skinny vanilla lattes.