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Five Tips to Help You Get Through Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

With midterms around the corner, taking care of yourself will be crucial, more than ever, to avoiding burnout. I’ve compiled a couple of tips on how to help ease your stress as you navigate through finals week.  

Remember to Eat 

As you write your ten-page paper, study all the bio terms or rewatch recorded lectures to refresh your memory, remember that food fuels our bodies and gives us the energy necessary to continue functioning. Bring some snacks if you’re studying outside your living space. And please go easy on the caffeine. You don’t want to have a dangerously high heart rate or even end up in the emergency room for overconsumption of caffeine. 

Take Showers 

Showering allows for the body to relax. At least for me, this is what has helped me the most on stressed days. Take some time out of your day to release the tension in your body through warm water (or cold water, if you prefer) falling over you. Tips for those who have long hair, take a quick shower by washing your body. 

Remove Distractions 

When you study, put your phone out of sight and preferably on silent. I often find myself going on TikTok or other social media when I really shouldn’t be, so to focus on my work, I hide it. 

Study Breaks

Take breaks from studying. When I read for too long it sometimes leads to headaches, so I try to take breaks, especially when I catch myself reading the same sentence for the millionth time. I try to get fresh air and take a short walk within my space, but other times I look at my phone for a change of stimulus. 

Celebrate the Little Achievements

When you’re done with a final, don’t forget to treat yourself with a little something. Get boba, some fries, or enjoy food outside. You’re one step closer to ending the quarter. After all that hard work, you deserve it. 

As you study, remember not to be too hard on yourself. Many of you are juggling not just your classes but also jobs, extracurricular activities, internships, and family relationships. As students, we are working hard for more than just a grade; it’s for the betterment of ourselves. We lose some, we win some, and that’s completely okay.

Mayra Sierra

UC Irvine '23

Mayra is a third-year studying Art and Film & Media Studies. In her free time she likes to watch movies, dance like no one's watching, spend more money than she has shopping and take nature walks when it's time for her social battery to recharge. Mayra currently has a coffee AND boba addiction she can't get rid of, but is working on it.