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EAP Singapore: Every Week is a Weekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Irvine chapter.

 I was sitting on the bus back from my weekend trip to Tioman Island, Malaysia when I realized it. “Shreya,” I said, “I’ve found it. I’ve found everything I have been looking for. It’s been right here in front of me this entire time!” Shreya, who was, at the time, taking several attempts at a bus-ride nap, opened her eyes. “And what is that?” She asked. I continued, “Everything. Adventure, paradise, beauty, love, friendship, personal growth, life lessons… everything. I’ve found it right here in Southeast Asia. And with no regrets.”

Somewhere amongst the dark, sketchy road outside, the thick bushes, and flashes of headlights from cars driving in the opposite direction, the moment I had been looking for had come. The moment where everything I had wanted from my EAP experience had assembled in front of me. Satisfaction had replaced fear and second thoughts had disappeared.

I had picked Singapore as my study abroad destination because I was looking for the adventure of a lifetime. I had traveled to parts of North America, Europe, and Asia in the past, and was looking for something different, yet… comfortable. But once I arrived in Singapore, I quickly realized that Singapore was not very different and not very exciting. Actually, Singapore is pretty tame. No, it is very tame. Singapore, although democratic and advanced in appearance, is more authoritarian and conformist in actuality. It is a small city with not much to do other than shop, eat, and drink.

Although my past blog posts were quite upbeat (at least I like to think they were), in the earlier half of the semester I would often think to myself, “maybe I made a mistake. Maybe I should have studied in Tuscany, Italy, like I had originally planned. My Italian has been getting pretty rusty…” 

But after 3 months, I have been proved wrong. Proved wrong by beautiful islands, white sand, thick forests, beachside evenings, rooftop nights, delicious food, amazing company, long sleepy bus rides, cute foreigners… This has been the adventure of a lifetime. And I wouldn’t have had it any other way!

Resham is a senior at the University of California, Irvine, with a major in International Studies and a minor in Cognitive Psychology. She is currently a proud member and Editor of Kappa Alpha Theta as well as Assistant Communications Officer of Panhellenic Association. Resham was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA and now enjoys living in luxurious Orange County, CA while she goes to school. She loves to travel, go to the beach on sunny California days, and search for the best restaurants in town.