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Similar in Difference

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.


The world would be a better place if there were less greed and less evil in the world. It’s painfully superficial but it’s also undeniably (or at least partially) true.

The world would be a better place if there were less depression and gloom and more happiness and smiles. However, how do we start smiling? If we already are, how do we maintain them? Are antidepressants the way to go? Some would argue yes; some would argue no. And some wouldn’t be happy enough to have the strength to argue at all. Does that say something? What do we make of such saddening facts? How do we mend the loss society has? How do we create emotional welfare for all? Politicians fail at economic and social welfare as it is already; putting sentiments into their palms would ruin whatever social security we all (internally) have left.

The world would be a better place if there were fewer tears and less blood and more cheer and more joy; if there were less darkness and less sorrow and more hope and more jubilation for the coming tomorrow. It would be better if we all stopped bickering about whether the Holocaust had truly occurred, whether the Apollo astronauts had ever really landed on the moon, and whether the universe is truly made up of 90 % “dark matter” dominated by “dark energy.” Discovery is beneficial; unnecessary arguments are not.

The world would be a better place if there were more glee and more truth and less poverty and less suffering; if there were more books and more knowledge and less injustice and anxiety of college. If there were less pressure and competition to face, perhaps then holistic views of prospective students would yield more insight into their true potential and worth. If there was more insight and more innovation and less destruction and deforestation – if there were more dreams and more aspirations and less fuss and exasperation – the world would, all in all, be a better place. Would it not?

The world would be a better place if all doubts became replaced with confidence – and rightly so, given that the confidence is warranted. The world would be a better place if every person counted his/her blessings and remembered the good in all and if every human forgot the tears he/she had shed and the pain in his/her fall. Original sin is a heavy word, but so is the concept of sinning the sin, instead of the sinner.

The world would be a better place if there were more literate people with the power to read and write; if there were more individuals who could distinguish the good from the bad and the wrong from the right, and if there were those who could teach others to talk rather than fight. If there were more of those who could learn to overcome the challenges of life with all their might, if there were those who could lend a hand without expecting a body in return, if there were more individuals who knew how to spread merriment on holidays, jokes on weekdays and altruism in every soul – then, perhaps, the world would be a better place.

The world would be a better place if there were more trees and more greenery, more purity and more sanctity and less of those people who were mean. Wonder and curiosity are desirable elements, but they have limits, and when exceeded, they should be used to explore more solutions and curb existing issues.

The world would be a better place if there more people with thoughts of the shining sunset; with thoughts of love, warmth, support, guidance, and encouragement; with thoughts of compassion and philanthropy; with thoughts of unconditional affection and true, genuine respect, rather than “friends with benefits.” If there were less of those with misogynistic or misanthropic perspectives, then maybe the #TimesUp movement wouldn’t even be necessary and International Women’s Day wouldn’t deserve a day of its own: we’d all be free, equally respected ladies. If there were more Isaac Newton’s and less Adolf Hitler’s, more Mother Teresa’s and fewer gossip girls – if there were more “United Nations” with actual enforcement teeth to execute its laws rather than make them, and fewer dictatorships dominating the positivity of society, – then the world would be a “nicer place” to live in, as the kids would say. We don’t need to praise the Malala’s and humanitarians; we need to emulate them, as best as we can.

Yes. The world would be an infinitely better place if we all learned to appreciate each other and ourselves; if we respected the similarities we shared and the differences we made and inherently possess. If we all only realized that the world would be a better place if we saw that we were all so similar in our languages, our ethnicities, our strengths, our weaknesses, our beauties, our qualities, our personalities, our hearts, our organs, our features, our souls and our beings – in our very human origins.

Because no one is the same, we cannot say, “we are different”. Why? Because the very fact that we are all different is in its entirety – is in its very existence – a similarity. We are not the same, and we are not different, but being similar is satisfactory. It’s enough.

Call it a logical fallacy. Call it a flawed argument, a hamartia of the mind. Call it whatever you want. I call it the “human thread” that binds us all. Indeed, we are all similar in our differences. Accepting this fact would be a larger step for mankind than the one Neil Armstrong took on the surface of our Moon than the one Elon Musk plans to take by sending people to Mars within the next two decades, or so.

Ponder over these truths for a while, ladies, while you enjoy your St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock shake, chocolate Easter egg, or Spring Break contemplations. Enjoy your cogitations while you’re at it.


Melody A. Chang

UC Berkeley '19

As a senior undergraduate, I seek out all opportunities that expand my horizons, with the aim of developing professionally and deepening my vision of how I can positively impact the world around me. While most of my career aims revolve around healthcare and medicine, I enjoy producing content that is informative, engaging, and motivating.  In the past few years, I have immersed myself in the health field through working at a private surgical clinic, refining my skills as a research assistant in both wet-lab and clinical settings, shadowing surgeons in a hospital abroad, serving different communities with health-oriented nonprofits, and currently, exploring the pharmaceutical industry through an internship in clinical operations.  Career goals aside, I place my whole mind and soul in everything that I pursue whether that be interacting with patients in hospice, consistently improving in fitness PR’s, tutoring children in piano, or engaging my creativity through the arts. Given all the individuals that I have yet to learn from and all the opportunities that I have yet to encounter in this journey, I recognize that I have much room and capacity for growth. Her Campus is a platform that challenges me to consistently engage with my community and to simultaneously cultivate self-expression.