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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

If you’re like me, you’re prone to continuously pressing the snooze button and snuggling into bed for any additional moments you can. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, it can become addicting and bleed into other moments in your day when you really would be more productive if not in bed. Why am I napping after one discussion section at 3 p.m.? This pattern of a lack of productivity and overindulgence has overcome me throughout this semester, and I’ve realized that it’s almost as if I’m rotting my life away on some days, which I simply cannot keep doing. 

To stop this cycle, I’ve decided to incorporate a couple of simple steps into my daily routine so I can be more productive and make the most of my day. Hopefully, these simple steps can make a significant difference for me and my fellow procrastinators! 

1. Don’t Wake Up 30 Minutes Before Class

I know class is something most of us dread, and, to maximize the time we spend resting, we try to get up as late as possible before having to get ready and head out the door. However, this method of starting your day by rushing out the door is ineffective and makes your day begin with doing something you dread. Instead, I propose to wake up a bit earlier, but not for class — for you and to do the things you enjoy. I’ve realized that when I wake up earlier for my own enjoyment and purposes, I feel a lot calmer and don’t dread activities in the day. If you take the time to have a slow morning, you can make yourself breakfast and actually enjoy it, read a book, take time choosing your outfit, etc. 

2. Get Your Body Moving!

I know going to the gym isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay! But stopping your habits of rotting means that you need to get your body moving in whatever ways you enjoy. Whether that means workout classes, dancing, or even walking, all that matters is that you’re up and your blood is pumping. I enjoy long walks because they’re a perfect time for me to be alone with my thoughts, music, and nature. They really help clear my head while keeping me healthy, mentally and physically!

3. Take Time Out to Get Ready

Everyone has a different idea of what getting ready entails. Some people like to focus on skincare, some on makeup, some on their hair, and others on their outfits. Whichever category you fall into, it’s essential to take some time every day for yourself to get ready and make yourself look the best you can. Since you feel better when you look better, the confidence you get from this will make you way more productive. Once I feel ready for the day, my motivation to study and get work done increases exponentially! For me, if I aestheticize my getting-ready routine, it also makes me more likely to get out of bed and leave the house because a cute outfit simply cannot go to waste. 

4. Realize That It’s Never Too Late To Start Your Day

It might seem like since you didn’t wake up early, your whole day is gone. Especially now, with Daylight Savings Time ending and it getting darker earlier, it can seem like there’s not much of the day left to be productive. But this just isn’t true! I don’t care if it’s 1 p.m. or 8 p.m., you can still make use of the remaining time you’re awake. Starting your day later is better than not getting anything accomplished at all for fear of it being too late. Everyone goes at a different pace, so don’t let others’ timelines stop you from following your own!

Hopefully these tips are helpful and easy to incorporate into your daily lives. I’m still trying to implement these things into my life, but I’m learning that baby steps are better than nothing! 

Nikita Jethani

UC Berkeley '25

Nikita is a junior at UC Berkeley, studying political science and journalism. When she's not writing, she spends her time going to concerts, baking, reading contemporary romance, and frequenting new cafes.