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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

It’s a story of in between

In between the roots of the homeland

And the promise of the dreamland 

Stretched impossibly thin

By the dangerous pull of conformity

To sound, look, and smell American 

To forget everything that makes you different

But how can I be fully American?

I’m not, according to Americans

My eyes are too small

My lunch smells and I say weird words

And by the demand to prove yourself

To be Filipino enough to claim the title

To take pride in everything that makes you different

How can I be fully Filipino?

I’m not, according to my relatives

I’m a coconut; brown on the outside white on the inside

I’ve never been to the Philippines

I can’t speak Tagalog

Are you American or are you Filipino? 

I felt like I could only be one or the other

I’m either defined only by this

Othered by those who can only see differences

Or they don’t see who I am at all

My identity invisible when it counts

But it’s a hyphenated identity

I exist in that in between 

To be fully this and fully that 

All at the same time

I am both

I belong in this country 

Like it or not

And I belong to a culture

Of rich history, language, food, and people

Believe it or not

We are proof of our grandparents’ sacrifice

A fulfillment of their dreams of a better future

Unafraid to chase our own dreams to the end

Filipino American, an identity built 

On our forefathers’ courage and our hope 

Their perseverance and ambition 

To leave everything behind for a new start

And our duty to finish it 

Kayla is a sophomore at UC Berkeley intending to major in English and minor in Education and Public Policy. In her free time, she loves to read a good paperback novel and write random short stories in her notes app. She also has an unhealthy obsession with ice cream, binging Netflix shows, and anything fantasy. Though originally from Los Angeles, Kayla is excited to be in the Bay Area and write about Berkeley life!