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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

I’m sure most have heard the devastating news that Moffitt Library will be closing its doors for construction soon. According to Library Communications, Moffitt will still be open this summer and fall but will start working on construction after that until fall of 2026. I know this loss will leave a huge hole in my heart that only being able to have a nice study sesh in Moffitt could provide me. Now, I’m not an avid studier, but having the comfort of knowing I can flock to Moffitt during a stressful midterm week into the wee hours of the morning is something I appreciate. I love being able to chit-chat with my friends while completing an assignment. While I used to hate that library, it has slowly but surely become my favorite study spot on campus, and I know I’m not the only one who shares this opinion. 

This closure also prompts another dilemma: if one of the busiest UC Berkeley libraries closes, where will everyone go to study now? It’s an already overpopulated library that will completely throw off the dynamics of other libraries on campus. However, I’ll do my best to clue you in on my personal favorite study spots you’ll catch me at consistently till Moffitt opens its doors again. 

Caffe Strada

Now I know this might be the most basic café I could’ve picked, however it truly is such a great place to study. I love hanging out with my friends and completing my work, especially when the weather is perfect. While quite populated, I’ve never failed to find a seat at the cafe. It’s the perfect environment for someone who focuses better with some chatter surrounding them. Their coffee isn’t always my favorite, but their mint matcha has slowly become one of my favorite drinks, coming from someone who has never liked matcha before. It’s also open till midnight which allows you to stay late and study, similar to Moffitt. 

Edmonds Café

This cafe is located in International House and has slowly become one of my favorite spots this semester. It’s such a nice environment with the most delicious coffee as someone who likes her little girly drinks. Its high elevation gives you a nice view of the campus and the Bay which is truly unbeatable. Their Wednesday happy hour from 3-5 p.m. offers their drink of the month for $3 which keeps my friends and I coming back. 

Evans Courtyard

Now you usually wouldn’t catch me dead in Evans Hall unless I have to be there for a class. I think a lot of students can say it doesn’t provide you with the most inviting environment. However, located on the ninth floor is a cute outside patio. When the weather is nice, it provides you with a quiet private place to get your work done. There are usually few people around so it allows you to get a lot of work done and not get distracted from a more chaotic environment like Strada. 

Valley Life Sciences Library 

Personally, the only library I’m usually found in would be Moffitt. However, every now and then, I make my way to the Valley Life Sciences library to study. It’s not the prettiest library around and is quite dull in there, but, whenever I study there, I get so much work done. I don’t exactly know what it is about the environment, but I’m truly my most productive self in that room. It’s a spacious and quiet library where I can always find seating and endless outlets. On a rainy day, which Berkeley has been having a lot of recently, it’s a perfect place to hunker down for a while to work. 

Some of my favorite spots aren’t exactly the most unique, but I hope it helps give you some ideas on where you can study next semester! Make sure to get the most out of Moffitt now while you can before it closes its doors on us for a year.

Isabel Anastas

UC Berkeley '26

Hi! I'm Isabel a Sophomore here at Berkeley majoring in Media Studies with a minor in Journalism. I love being a Staff Writer and Marketing Team Member here at Her Campus.