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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

I know we’ve all come home from a long day of work and classes, practically dragging ourselves through our front door. You’re exhausted, both mentally and physically. All you’ve had the entire day is an iced coffee with a side of vape and maybe some chips. The last thing you want to do is cook a fancy dinner, let alone research a recipe. So, here I am, saving your ass once again with one VERY SIMPLE recipe for all the pasta lovers out there. 

Pesto Pasta with Mushrooms and Sausage (15-20 minutes)

Makes 3 servings, Nut-free


  • 2 sausage links (garlic herb is my favorite, but any Italian sausage would work just as well!)
  • 16 oz of pasta noodles (1 package from Trader Joe’s)
  • 5-7 white mushrooms (washed and rinsed)
  • 5 cups of spinach leaves
  • 2 cloves of garlic 
  • 6-9 leaves of basil (you can always add more, based on your taste for basil)
  • ½ cup of ricotta cheese 
  • Parmesan cheese (for topping)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
  • 3 tbsp of olive oil 

Kitchen Gadgets needed:

  • Blender
  • Frying pan 
  • Pot 
  • Pasta drainer


  1. Start by boiling your pasta noodles until they’re al dente.
  2. While the pasta is cooking, add the spinach, olive oil, garlic, ricotta, basil, salt, and pepper to a blender. Blend until smooth. 
  3. Once the sauce is completely blended, start cutting the sausage links into smaller pieces. Throw the sausage pieces into a pan, and fry over medium heat. 
  4. Slice mushrooms into bite-sized pieces and throw them into the same pan with the sausage. 
  5. Once the mushrooms and sausage have a golden-brown color, add the pasta sauce from the blender to the same pan.
  6. Wait until the sauce thickens a little bit (3-6 min). Add  ¼ cup of the pasta water from the cooked noodles into the sauce. Stir until homogeneous. 
  7. Grate parmesan cheese over the pasta (to your personal preference) and stir until all combined. 
  8. Plate and enjoy! Top with grated parmesan, salt, and/or pepper if you want. 
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Kiana Lee

UC Berkeley '23

Kiana is a senior at UC Berkeley, where she is currently studying cognitive science and health and wellness. Originally from San Jose, Kiana spends most of her free time in the pool, listening to music, or tending to her plant babies.