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3 Signs It’s Time to Say “thank u, next”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Berkeley chapter.

Just ‘cuz it’s cuffing season doesn’t mean that you have to stay hinged for the holidays. It can be hard sometimes to know when it’s time to let things go. Here are some signs that you may need to take a break. 

#1. It feels like something is missing.

We’ve all been there, where we ~really~ like someone but there’s something missing. Maybe you never fight, but you also don’t feel challenged by them. Or maybe your partner is really kind, but they just don’t have enough in common with you. Maybe you can’t quite place ~exactly~ what you feel is lacking. If you feel like you want more from your partner, (which is okay and normal to feel), go find it. If you need to reassess what you want in a partner, take a small break to think it out. There’s nothing like a good old pros and cons list. This can be really hard, especially if you’re with someone you love. However, it is unhealthy to stay in a relationship for an extended period of time if you are not fulfilled. 

sad girl in blue sweater near window
Anthony Tran

#2. Close your eyes. Picture yourself in five years. Is your partner in the picture?

This can be a crappy realization. You know your partner won’t be a part of your growth moving forward. This could mean a couple things: 

A) Your goals do not coincide with your partner’s,

B) You need to accomplish some things on your own,

C) Your partner doesn’t meet all of your needs. 

Though it doesn’t seem like it, these feelings are all ~good~ things. A and B signify your need for independence; it also indicates that your ambitions, whether personal or professional, come first. If you feel your partner is holding you back, it’s time to drop them. If it’s C, try to understand what it really is about your partner that makes you feel this way. Pay attention to the qualities you love, and maybe the qualities you have trouble with. This will allow you to have a clearer understanding of what kind of person you want to share yourself with. This feeling of non-permanence is totally fine, as long as you are honest with yourself and your partner. 

#3. You feel like there’s an imbalance. 

Compromise matters, even on little things. Partnerships rely on balance and communication more than anything else. At first, your partner’s stubbornness may keep things ~exciting~; however, this is usually just a sign of their emotional immaturity and self-centeredness.  In order for there to be equity within your relationships, both sides have to be willing to talk things out and compromise. If you are putting in more effort than the other to make things work, that’s a sure sign it’s time to move on. ~And~ remember that no matter where you are in your relationship (or if you’re single), you deserve nothing but love, respect, and happiness. You are worthy, you are brilliant, and you are baaaaad baby! 

Emma Gerson

UC Berkeley '23

Emma Gerson is a musician and political advocate. She will be competing for the title of Miss California in 2021.