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Which Bear is the Best Bear?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

You may be wondering, which bear is the best bear? Well, so are we. We are most definitely NOT procrastinating on actual valid and useful studies, just as we are certain that YOU are not procrastinating by reading this. So here we go: which bear is the best bear?

Is it… this bear?

Or what about… this bear?

This bear is majestic, but is it the best bear?

I would take advice from this bear if it approached me in an enchanted grove… but does that make it the best?

Scientists are still arguing about if this bear is even a bea​r at all, regardless of whether or not it is the best.

This one is not remotely a bear, but could it still be the best bear?

This bear is definitely not the best bear. 

This bear could be the best bear if it stopped trying so hard.

This is a beet. Just wanted to make sure you were paying attention. It probably isn’t the best bear… but we’ll see.

This is Lupita Nyong’o. She is not a bear, but she is the best.

And this is just a pooh bear, but does he have what it takes to be the best bear?

Which bear could it be? I don’t know, I’m not a bear expert. Stop pestering me!



Photo Credits: Google Images


Avery is a second-year student at the University of British Columbia, where she is exploring her innumerable and possibly not very practical interests. She hails from the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island and has plans to do much more travelling before she gets too tired. If given a choice she would much rather have gone to Hogwarts, but readily admits that UBC is a close second. Her most notable talent is an uncanny ability to quote Hamilton during almost any conversation.