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The Wall: Remembered

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

A couple years ago when I was asked to be part of a Storm the Wall team, I figured, why not? It’s one of those things Classic UBC Things you do, right? So I agreed; no big deal. I was so innocent then.

But once I was actually standing at the base of the wall, it suddenly looked much taller and much more, uh, vertical than it had from afar. 

At this point I had a stronge urge to forget this whole storming the wall idea and keep my feet planted firmly on the ground.

But I was part of a team and we were counting on each other, so I was determined to get over that wall. 

Once I was standing on my teammates’ shoulders all of a sudden I was facing this giant wall that seemed to want to knock me backwards.

And I had absolutely nothing to hold onto.

Somehow I made myself stand up to this terrifying wall on shaky shoulders and reach up hoping that I would be pulled to my salvation.

Relief washed over me when somehow the people at the top pulled all of me over the wall.

Once we all got over the wall and were all safely on the ground it hit me: we did it!

To all of you who have stormed the wall this year or in years previous, congratulations, and the best of luck to all the stormers who will come after us.

Jacqueline Marchioni is a fifth year Honours English major and a Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice minor.