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Super Bowl 51 Reactions from a Collegiette

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

Despite not being an avid NFL follower, watching the Super Bowl is a yearly tradition for me. As this year’s game turned out to be a surprisingly exciting one, my reactions were numerous and diverse. Maybe you shared the same? Here is the emotional rollercoaster I went through during this year’s Super Bowl: 


I started out the game as I do for any Super Bowl: stuffing my face full of food. Much happiness, of course.

Then, the Falcons kept scoring. I like rooting for the underdog, so I was impressed.

And then, it started getting pretty bad for the Patriots. Almost embarrasingly bad. 

By halftime, I was a little disappointed. Blow-outs aren’t that exciting. Was I about to sit through another two hours of this? 

But then, Lady Gaga LITERALLY fell from the sky. 

My attention was officially restored. Lady Gaga is an amazing performer, another Super Bowl halftime well done!

But, back in the game, the Patriots continued to, well, perform poorly. 

And then, in a blink of an eye, the game was almost tied! I couldn’t believe it. Was this really happening? 

Then, it happened. The game was tied. The unthinkable was happening right before our eyes.

Before I could even regain my composure, the Patriots won the game with a touchdown in over time! Simply put, I was amazed. 

This may have just been a football game, but this game reminded me that the impossible is possible! Even when we are down, we can always bring ourselves back up. Thanks for the inspiration, Super Bowl 51! 


Emily Morehead is a fourth-year Honours Political Science major and a Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice minor - and the current co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus UBC! :) She hopes to pursue law in the future and run for office someday. Emily loves taking long hikes up mountains, traveling to new places, and obsessing over cute corgis.